10th November

…lifetime. Rhododendron ‘Crossbill’ Azalea ‘Greenway’ often has odd secondary flowers but a good show today below Slip Rail. Azalea ‘Greenway’ Seeds and well advanced flower buds on a nearby Pieris….

25th August

…3 trees. This keys out to Zelkova carpinifolia which has grown in obscurity for c.35 years below the Main Ride. Interesting bark. Zelkova carpinifolia Zelkova carpinifolia Zelkova carpinifolia Planted only…

5th February

…Yellow’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Jurys Yellow’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Jurys Yellow’ Is this Camellia lutchuensis or, as I suspect, a lutchuensis cross? Need to check but it is very pretty…

10th April

…‘Sun Rival’ Malus ‘Golden Gem’ Malus ‘Red ‘Obelisk’ Malus ‘Fire Glow’ Malus ‘Pink Glow’ Malus ‘Donald Wyman’ – good Malus ‘Donald Wyman’ – good Malus ‘Prairie Fire’ – excellent Malus…

26th October

…plant. Camellia japonica ‘Takanini’ Nice yellow colours just now appearing on Tilia kiusiana. Tilia kiusiana Berries and flowers on several of the Corokia. Corokia Corokia First flower on Camellia x…

14th February

…air temperature is quite low and it remains cold. The view through the back arch today. back arch First flowers out in the Auklandii Garden of the Tregullow form of…

3rd July

…some real growth after two dry summers. Indocalamus latifolius Betula medwediewii ‘Gold Bark’ was newly planted out this year below the dog kennels but already it has had male catkins…

10th June

…dealbata Fatsia polyneura with attractive new growth. Fatsia polyneura Magnolia moto covered in buds this year; even low down. Magnolia moto First flowers ever on Castanopsis sclerophylla. Undersides of the…

16th February

…Yellow’. Magnolia campbellii A lower branch of the Magnolia campbellii seedling along Crinodendron Hedge now full out. Magnolia campbellii seedling Magnolia campbellii seedling Magnolia campbellii seedling First flower out on…

3rd September

Next Day >< Previous Day CONTRIBUTORS: FJW 1955-2007 CHW 2015- JCW 1897-1939 CW 1940-1955 2024 – CHW (images to follow) Cotoneaster species today. Cotoneaster wilsonii is always one of the…