26th December

…had blown down and appears seedless and un-swollen. Squirrels I fear but they would have been disappointed! Magnolia rostrata Magnolia rostrata Magnolia rostrata Plenty of leaf still green on a…

6th June

…Crataegus schraderiana Crataegus schraderiana Crataegus schraderiana Cornus capitata with exceptionally large creamy bracts this year. Cornus capitata Cornus capitata Cornus capitata Stewartia rostrata with pink buds just opening. Stewartia rostrata

2nd June

…far from sure. Deutzia multiradiata. Deutzia multiradiata Our own Magnolia rostrata. Magnolia rostrata Hydrangea heteromalla ‘Bretschneideri’. Hydrangea heteromalla ‘Bretschneideri’ The display outside the tent with our Rhododendron ‘Tally hoo’ and…

7th July

…appear high up on the Magnolia rostrata – giant cucumbers! Magnolia rostrata Magnolia rostrata Attractive new growth on a young Rhederodendron macrocarpum. Rhederodendron macrocarpum Rhederodendron macrocarpum Schefflera alpina has extraordinary…

4th August

…to the drought. Stewartia malacodendron Stewartia malacodendron Rather unspectacular bark on Stewartia rostrata. Stewartia rostrata Stewartia rostrata Seed heads forming on Stewartia pseudocamellia but many have withered in the drought…

24th January

…at now. Magnolia rostrata Magnolia rostrata 2019 – CHW More trees down into the road by Battery Walk after a strong northerly gale and a bit of a rush to…

1st August

…in them eventually. Magnolia rostrata Magnolia rostrata Flowers on an elderly Rhododendron prunifolium. Several plants at the top of the garden and one to propagate. Not to be confused with…

12th June

…variety Hydrangea ‘Lanarth’ just showing. Hydrangea ‘Lanarth’ Stewartia rostrata has fewer flowers than usual this year but is still as good as anything in the garden today. Stewartia rostrata Hydrangea…

22nd November

…off with nothing in them but this year looks more promising. Magnolia rostrata Magnolia rostrata The wild black bees whose home got felled are still very much in evidence in…

24th June

…sieboldii I have missed the flowers on Magnolia rostrata this year. Magnolia rostrata Schefflera species Nova (NJM 13.118) with its gigantic new growth. Schefflera species Nova Metapanax davidii with slug…