28th March

…yet seen it perform properly. Magnolia ‘Black Swan’ Magnolia ‘Black Swan’ Magnolia ‘Anne Leitner’ (Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x Magnolia ‘JC Williams’) is a fantastic plant on Hovel Cart Road and…

17th March

…woodland Edgeworthia chrysantha Edgeworthia chrysantha Sarcocca wallichii with huge black berries Sarcocca wallichii Sarcocca wallichii Nothofagus dombeyi trunk Nothofagus dombeyi Camellia ‘Black Lace’ Camellia ‘Black Lace’ Camellia ‘Black Lace’ Dacrycarpus…

April 2018 Irish trip ( Day 2)

…however close they were. views to the towering mountains views to the towering mountains views to the towering mountains views to the towering mountains A mature Carpodetus serratus with its…

26th May

…Azalea ‘Corneille’ Azalea ‘Corneille’ Azalea ‘Corneille’ Azalea ‘Merveille’ Azalea ‘Merveille’ Azalea ‘Merveille’ Azalea ‘Bartholo Lazzari’ – nearly over – raised in 1869 Azalea ‘Bartholo Lazzari’ Azalea ‘Tower Darling’ Azalea ‘Tower

15th June

tower door for the occasion. bell tower door bell tower door ‘Mining’ with the copper ingot. Clever! ‘Mining’ ‘Mining’ “Ursula’s Baptism”. The font was decorated using an excellent colour combination…

9th June

…Sambucus niger ‘Golden Tower’ Sambucus niger ‘Golden Tower’ Cordyline australis ‘Red Star’ Cordyline australis ‘Red Star’ Protea cynaroides ‘Little Prince’ Protea cynaroides ‘Little Prince’ Sambucus niger ‘Black Lace’ Sambucus niger…

17th July

…scene. Agave and Yucca Agave and Yucca The clock tower has recently been restored. The clock tower The lower fountain has been subject to subsidence. The lower foundation A huge…

23rd May

…yellow and sort of semi double Ghent Hybrids ‘Tower Darling’ Ghent Hybrids ‘Tower Darling’ They are bolder colours and nicer than I was expecting. Quite unlike any of the unnamed…

13th April

…quite excellent as usual. Rhododendron ‘Harry Tagg’ More yellows in the afternoon in Penvergate.The spreading Magnolia ‘Limelight’ below the tower. Magnolia ‘Limelight’ Magnolia ‘Limelight’ Magnolia ‘Limelight’ Magnolia officinalis var. biloba…

4th April

…M. ‘Black Tulip’ below Donkey Shoe. No hybrid name as far as I can see. Magnolia ‘Rose Marie’ x M. ‘Black Tulip’ Magnolia ‘Rose Marie’ x M. ‘Black Tulip’ Bluebottle…