24th June

…pulchra with its ‘lily of the valley’ drooping racemes of flowers. The buds are globular. A splendid plant introduced and given to us by Roy Lancaster. Deutzia pulchra Deutzia pulchra…

8th June

…C. Orchids and Mossy Clubmoss D. Tin Garden plant list 2020 – CHW Deutzia x hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’ Deutzia x hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’ Deutzia scabra alongside it stunning still. Deutzia

19th June

…sun so some of these pictures may well be crap. Deutzia pulchra Deutzia pulchra Deutzia pulchra In Old Park a new discovery never seen by me before. A huge mature…

26th May

…full out. Deutzia longifolia Deutzia calycosa ‘Dali’ Deutzia calycosa ‘Dali’ Ash trees by Tin Garden not looking well. Ash dieback disease is starting here. Ash trees Eucalyptus crenulata out in…

18th June

…being ‘over’ by mid-June.Deutzia x hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’ at its very best on the drive. Deutzia x hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’ Deutzia x hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’ Deutzia x hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’…

12th May

…compare this with D. purpurascens and the rather smaller flowered Deutzia ‘Dark Eyes’ which Burncoose sells. I have not yet begun to sort the newer deutzia species in my own…

10th May

…next week will be problematic as the weather is set fine and fair. Deutzia calycosa ‘Dali’ is full out already and the first Deutzia to show here on the drive….

28th May

…nearly full out on the drive. Syringa x josiflexa ‘Bellicent’ Deutzia x elegantissima ‘Rosealind’ Deutzia x elegantissima ‘Rosealind’ Deutzia x elegantissima ‘Rosealind’ Deutzia x elegantissima ‘Rosealind’ Azalea narcissiflora is now…

7th June

…in Tin Garden. Smallish but pretty. A Forrest introduction. Deutzia monobeigii Deutzia monobeigii Magnolia globosa still flowering away. Magnolia globosa Styrax hemsleyanus nearly out and flowering much more profusely with…

14th June

…few flowers as yet. Philadelphus schrenkii var. jackii Deutzia monbeigii has many tiny flowers but, as usual, only on the older growth. Deutzia monbeigii Deutzia monbeigii 2022 – CHW Syringa…