13th May

…our cut stuff next week. Rhododendron loderi ‘King George’ Rhododendron loderi ‘King George’ 2015 – CHW Chelsea van Second lorry leaves for Chelsea so time to look for rhododendrons which…

9th May

…is another Rhododendron ‘Loderi King George’. I was looking for ‘loderi’ ‘Pink Diamond’ but this is not it. Rhododendron ‘Loderi King George’ Rhododendron ‘Loderi King George’ I have written an…

9th November

…Own box Groundworks for the new water tank at George’s Hut. George’s Hut Water Tank First flowers out on Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’. Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’ The…

24th May

…loderi ‘King George’ tucked away out of sight. Excellent today. Rhododendron loderi ‘King George’ Rhododendron loderi ‘King George’ Rhododendron loderi ‘King George’ Rhododendron loderi ‘King George’ Staphylea holocarpa ‘Innocence’ with…

30th November

…Crug Farm Surprised to find Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’ nicely out in the Rookery. Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’ Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’ Out of season and the…

10th January

…but sunny.Emerging Hemerocallis leaves eaten by rabbits or pheasants. Hemerocallis A couple of decent young Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’ below Rogers Quarry. Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’ Camellia x…

10th March

…in the garden here. Clearly it is rare as not in Hillier’s and it looks tender. However its name suggests it was a George Forrest collection so I need to…

5th August

…continuing to try to improve the plant collection here in a slightly different way to my great grandfathers funding of George Forrest’s 7 Chinese expeditions. I don’t actually see much…

2nd March

…flowers showing on the Magnolia denudata ‘Forrest Pink’ which was smashed down by a tree a few years ago but has recovered. Magnolia denudata ‘Forrest Pink’ The Magnolia campbellii Alba…

15th March

…denudata ‘Forrest’s Pink’ is rather wind battered. Magnolia denudata ‘Forrest’s Pink’ Magnolia ‘Felix Jury’ and Magnolia ‘Atlas’ above it at the Red Linney. Magnolia ‘Felix Jury’ and Magnolia ‘Atlas’ Magnolia…