4th July

…which emerges as a bronzy-red before turning green. This tender plant is evergreen with us. It is tucked away in a small microclimate of its own with shelter on all…

Irish trip April 2018

…drive. Not much garden here but: Scilla as a carpet like bluebells. Thicker and larger than I have seen before. Scilla Scilla Fritillaria full out amid the scilla as well….

12th March

…Prunus ‘Okame’ with just the early flowers browned off. Prunus ‘Okame’ Prunus ‘Okame’ Is the supposedly evergreen Carpinus Kawakamii really dead?! Don’t think so as the stems are still green….

7th April

…tasteful green ribbon! Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ has now lost all its flowers. Bashed into submission by the rain and hail. Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ An evil looking sea. The tent for…

4th November

…turn colour properly and may not have a show this year. Very few hips. Rosa roxburghii Kalopanax septemlobus has a yellow carpet on the ground but plenty of green leaves…

30th April

…Maakia chinensis Maakia chinensis A carpet of sycamore flowers on the Main Ride after the rain. sycamore flowers Rhododendron ‘Corona’ is named after Corona North once from County Carlow in…

9th June

…Arisaema consanguineum Arisaema consanguineum Arisaema consanguineum and Calamagrotis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’. Arisaema consanguineum Fatsia polycarpa ‘Greenfingers’ Fatsia polycarpa ‘Greenfingers’ Cercis canadensis ‘Ruby Falls’ and Fatsia polycarpa ‘Greenfingers’. Cercis canadensis…

27th July

…CHW Only one seed head on the young Magnolia ‘Caerhays Splendour’ which flowered so well for the first time this year. Magnolia ‘Caerhays Splendour’ A carpet of Knapweed in flower…

25th April

…evergreen / near evergreen azaleas semi evergreen / near evergreen azaleas Quercus lamellosa has suddenly shed all its old leaves – as it should now. I have been worried that…

17th February

…by Green Gate hydrangeas by Green Gate The new lapageria planted outside my study window has made excellent new growth in its first year and is still growing now. The…