7th September

…Eucalyptus gregsoniana Eucalyptus gregsoniana A single secondary flower on Magnolia ‘Illini Gold’. Magnolia ‘Illini Gold’ Crataegus durobrivensis with large ripe fruits. Crataegus durobrivensis I stupidly said the other day that…

7th April

…Kinokana’ (Bamboo) Chusquea couleou nicely pruned to show off its stems properly. Chusquea couleou Chusquea couleou Acer negundo ‘Kellys Gold’ with flower and emerging golden leaves. Acer negundo ‘Kellys Gold’…

31st March

…Memory’ Narcissus ‘Astro Pink’ below White Stiles. Narcissus ‘Astro Pink’ Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ above the kennels. Not very golden really as I have commented before. Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Gold

8th May

…years of work but it needs more external (laurel etc.) shelter belts. Magnolia ‘Gold Star’ still in full flower at the entrance to Ethy Garden in partial shade. Magnolia ‘Gold

17th November

…December. gator The pictures speak for themselves of a narrow and lucky escape! A few bruises, bath and a strong drink! Never a dull moment in lockdown. 2019 – CHW…

19th February

…might argue that we were just lucky but, those who remember January 1990, and any seafarer (which I am definitely not), would tell you that this was a very bad…

22nd August

…last 48 hours at most so a lucky chance to have seen it today. Smell light but slightly unpleasant. Magnolia tamaulipana 2020 – CHW Taxodium distichum ‘Hursley Park’ is a…

19th March

…of these crosses are unnamed and perhaps we will get lucky with something genuinely new and different in the next decade. The planting lists and plans (to do in the…

15th December

‘Golden Spangles’ Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Golden Sun’ is red not yellow in the autumn! Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Golden Sun’ This is the third time this autumn that the evergreen Quercus rugosa has…

22nd March

…for a while. There is plenty to see, what a treat we are lucky.Just a few things that I had noted….That tender oak I think may be Q. fleuryi. [Correct]I…