6th May

…albosinensis Betula utilis var jacquemontii ‘Jermyns’ Betula utilis var jacquemontii ‘Jermyns’ Betula utilis var jacquemontii ‘Jermyns’ Betula utilis var jacquemontii ‘Silver Shadow’ Betula utilis var jacquemontii ‘Silver Shadow’ Betula utilis…

29th August

…First flowers here. Hedychium gardnerianum Hedychium gardnerianum Salix moupinensis is really a smaller version of Salix fargesii but the stems and buds are attractive. Growing in a damp place it…

Tregrehan Gardens Visit – 15th March 2019

…berries Nothofagus dombeyi trunk Camellia ‘Black Lace’ Dacrycarpus dacrydioides trunk. These are growing as a clump of five trees. Rhododendron frangipanensis in full flower. New species to me. Arbutus canariensis…

19th June

…Garden has never shown any inclination to sucker from the base but these young plants have. They have grown well in a windy place with salt sprays proving perhaps that…

31st December

‘Silver Anniversary’ Camellia ‘Silver Anniversary’ I had been expecting Rhododendron ‘Crossbill’ to show any day but nothing yet on the old plants on the Main Ride. Here a youngster is…

3rd August

…Hampton Court) and drop some of the New Zealand varieties. Agapanthus ‘Silver Moon’ – silver leaf edge variegation and much better than Agapanthus ‘Tinkerbell’. Agapanthus ‘Silver Moon’ Agapanthus ‘Windsor Grey’…

14th September

…light mauve with not all the flowers coming out at once to give a foxtail appearance. Calluna vulgaris ‘Silver Fox’ Calluna vulgaris ‘Silver Fox’ We have over 200 new catalogue…

8th September

…full flower. Aralia elata Aralia elata Zenobia with ripening seeds. Zenobia Buddleia ‘Silver Anniversary’ – in flower. An attractive combination with the leaves. Buddleia ‘Silver Anniversary’ Buddleia ‘Silver Anniversary’ Pseudopanax…

18th February

…batch of Mahonia bealei ‘Cornish Silver’. This too originated from a Needham introduction. One stock plant was in full flower. Orangy-yellow! Mahonia bealei ‘Cornish Silver’ Mahonia bealei ‘Cornish Silver’ Also…

13th February

…planting out. Camellia champetre ‘Fairy Blush’ – looks rather tender Camellia champetre ‘Fairy Blush’ Camellia champetre ‘Fairy Blush’ Camellia ‘Silver Chalice’ Camellia ‘Silver Chalice’ Camellia ‘Silver Chalice’ Camellia ‘Black Magic’…