31st July

…Meliosma dilleniifolia subsp cuneifolia Meliosma flexuosa – now Meliosma dilleniifolia subsp flexuosa Meliosma tenuis – now Meliosma dilleniifolia subsp tenuis New Trees (effectively the ninth reference volume of Bean) implies…

7th October

…it. This is Ilex perado subsp. perado (now called perado subsp. azorica) which remained unidentified as a huge clump before the visit of Philippe de Spoelberch in 2002. This was…

15th May

…gift this year from Nikki Applewhite. Tilia caroliniana subsp. heterophylla Aesculus glabra ‘April Wine’ Aesculus glabra ‘April Wine’ Acer campbellii subsp. frangipanense (BSWJ 8270) planted in 2010 with wonderful bronzy…

17th April

…to flower in our collection of Crataegus. Crataegus induta A young Acer sterculiaceum subsp. sterculiaceum (NJM 13017) with its usual attractive new growth. I still all this Acer franchetii as…

3rd June

…and circa 100 pre 1999. I went to get more photographs of what we now know is Ornithogalum umbellatum subsp. campestre but flowering had already finished (seven to ten days)…

7th January

…pink. A little of all the bark forms is shown here. Betula utilis subsp. albosinensis ‘China Ruby’ Betula utilis subsp. albosinensis ‘China Ruby’ Betula utilis subsp. albosinensis ‘China Ruby’ We…

24th January

…its best. Rhododendron ‘Bo Peep’ Rookery Path laurel all pruned and tidied. laurel First flower on Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomeum. Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomeum A week on and Magnolia ‘Todd’s…

10th June

…leaf form some way between Ilex perado subsp. platyphylla and Ilex perado itself. Ilex perado subsp. azorica Ilex perado subsp. azorica Daphniphyllum paxianum (BSWJ 9755) Daphniphyllum paxianum Syringa tomentella flowering…

16th January

…is not self clinging. Flowers are smallish. An oddity but never likely to be a best seller. Hydrangea anomela subsp anomela Hydrangea anomela subsp anomela Hydrangea anomela subsp anomela 2016…

26th July

…(or had) plants originally labelled M. dilleniifolia subsp. tenuis, M. dillenifolia subsp. cuneifolia and M. dilleniifolia subsp. flexuosa. The smaller plants of the latter have died since 2020 having been…