Magnolias and Climate Change at Caerhays

Magnolias and Climate Change at Caerhays? In this absurdly early spring where the magnolias first started coming out on 2nd January, at least a month before all known records, and…

3rd June

…the spring below the top lodge under the trash into Old Park. spring But, the other side of the same hedge has cracked up where it would normally still be…

21st August

…Planting of the start of the new Malus collection can now proceed in the spring. Kitchen Garden Kitchen Garden Kitchen Garden Then to Old Park to view drought casualties. drought…

1st May

…We need rain in the next week or there will be casualties in the spring planting. It is turning into a good rhododendron year and a very early one here….

1st February

…plants for planting out this spring in various different locations. Karol and Asia Some of the outside beds are now looking a bit thin and empty but there are plenty…

28th September

…Hydrangeas planted here years ago. The new growth gets frosted in the spring and the site is too dry. solitary flower Wonderful fruiting on the Hawthorn but no sloes on…

15th February

…campbellii Had a visit from ITV crew yesterday about a ‘Spring has sprung’ feature as part of the Cornwall Spring Story, see the report and news clip here. 2018 –…

23rd September

…planted in the Kitchen Garden in the late 1950s by my father had been scheduled and planned for the spring of 2020. The pandemic delayed the start of the work…

6th August

…Betonica officinalis Betonica officinalis Betonica officinalis Time to get the autumn/spring rare plant orders for Caerhays into the pipeline before the European nurseries produce their autumn availability lists. Lunaplant in…

12th September

…new growth, no seeds set and just a few buds for next spring. magnolia magnolia A decent Sorbus (ex Trevor Green) by the lower staff car park but no name….