31st May

…five mature plants of – yes! – enkianthus. Four are over and look like single Enkianthus campanulatus but one still has a few flowers and is clearly the white Enkianthus

3rd April

…and with the emerging shoots. Equal first of the Enkianthus to flower from now on. Enkianthus serrulatus Enkianthus serrulatus The rhododendron planting of four to five years ago outside the…

5th April

…the sun which is invisible from the drive below. Magnolia sprengeri ‘Diva’ And another elderly clump of Enkianthus perulatus by Hardy & Bert’s. ENKIANTHUS perulatus Masses of violets on Sinogrande…

12th November

…not here. Note the seed pods which still look unripe and un-swollen. Not much here yet for Asia to collect. Enkianthus perulatus Enkianthus perulatus Enkianthus perulatus An FJW Rhododendron decorum…

21st November

…spicata Camellia x williamsii ‘St Ewe’ now full out. Camellia x williamsii ‘St Ewe’ Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Wallaby’ is a good yellow as usual. Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Wallaby’ Enkianthus cernuus rubens is…

22nd November

…the Auklandii Garden and ripe seed pods. Enkianthus cernuus rubens Enkianthus cernuus rubens 2018 – CHW A rather morbid day!The honey fungus Magnolia sieboldii casualty has been cut down ready…

11th July

enkianthus seedlings have come up in profusion. six sorts of enkianthus seedlings Many rhododendron seedlings coming on apace in their seed trays and many more pricked out into cell trays…

14th September

…by Asia. I have not seen this before in younger Enkianhus but the very old Enkianthus perulatus do do this above the Fernery and outside the Front Gate. Enkianthus campanulatus…

Irish trip April 2018

…and needs checking out. Osmanthus serrulata Osmanthus serrulata Enkianthus subsensilis said the label but we agreed this is Enkianthus perulatus. Enkianthus subsensilis Enkianthus subsensilis A gigantic Leptospermum ericoides planted only…

7th November

…Nothofagus fusca Nothofagus fusca Good seed pods on Enkianthus serrulatus. Not many and all gathered. No other enkianthus nearby so should come true if they germinate. Enkianthus serrulatus Enkianthus serrulatus…