8th October

…in 2011. It will, and already is, breaking some underdraft. Fargesia robusta Fargesia robusta I see on the plan that I have missed the seventh one – Himalayacalmus falconeri. This…

28th September

‘Robusta’ Hydrangea aspera ‘Robusta’ Autumn colour showing up on the old plants of Rhododendron mucronulatum. Rhododendron mucronulatum No seedpods at all on this elderly Magnolia dawsoniana and you can still…

19th March

…top. Around 40 buds in its third or fourth year of flowering. This is a very unusual deliberate three-way cross between Magnolia sargentiana var robusta, Magnolia campbellii subsp mollicomata ‘Lanarth’…

6th March

…Jury’ Prunus ‘Felix Jury’ The unnamed seeding hybrid near George’s Hut is normally earlier into flower than this year. A cross between M. sargentiana var. robusta and M. sprengeri ‘Diva’….

28th March

…and floribunda at their best. Magnolias dawsoniana and mollicomata as well. Diva and Robusta good also white Campbellii – also young Robusta very good. Double Camellias and some Reticulatas flowering…

2nd September

…out in a damp corner by the front gates. Sarcococca saligna Sarcococca saligna Hydrangea aspera ‘Robusta’ just coming out as it always does very late in the Hydrangea season. Hydrangea…

11th August

…syriacus ‘Blue Bird’ Hibiscus syriacus ‘Blue Bird’ Cautleya spicata ‘Robusta’ just out in flower. Not the most exciting ‘Ginger’ I have ever seen. Cautleya spicata ‘Robusta’ Marsdenia oreophila out in…

7th February

robusta (or so it is catalogued) above Crinodendron Hedge is actually full out (so I was wrong again but it is the only one out or even showing colour of…

27th August

…shed A few new things in flower: Cautlaya spicata ‘Robusta’ Cautlaya spicata ‘Robusta’ Globba schomburkii just out. New for the 2022 catalogue. Globba schomburkii Aralia cachemeriana finally in flower for…

31st August

…Camellia sasanqua Camellia sasanqua 2021 – CHW Secondary flowers on Berberis wilsonae. Berberis wilsonae The numerous seeds on Magnolia sargentiana robusta are almost ripe. Magnolia sargentiana robusta Multiple flowerheads on…