25th August

…in the show tunnel. Banksia integrifolia Banksia integrifolia Cautleya spicata ‘Robusta’ – the hardy ‘ginger lily’ which is new to us although clearly our oversight. Cautleya spicata ‘Robusta’ Cautleya spicata…

20th September

robusta just out with its enormous and readily identifiable leaves. Hydrangea aspera ssp. robusta Hydrangea aspera ssp. robusta The Fuchsia magellanica hedge reshooting only a fortnight or so after being…

28th February

…‘Susannah van Veen’ (Magnolia sprengeri ‘Diva’ x Magnolia sargentiana var. robusta). Magnolia ‘Susannah van Veen’ Magnolia ‘Susannah van Veen’ AND Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ (M. sargentiana var. robusta x M. sprengeri…

10th September

…aspera subsp robusta Hydrangea aspera subsp robusta Hydrangea aspera Villosa Group, conversely, is over. The flowers have faded to a dull pink here and gone brown elsewhere. This is a…

9th September

…var. robusta Hydrangea aspera var. robusta Jaimie’s team have cut down the laurels and some old Camellia reticulata seedlings in the area where we will shortly fell the splitting beech…

6th September

robusta out late as usual in September. A good mauve and white combination. We need to propagate this as it is a winner! Hydrangea aspera ssp. robusta Hydrangea aspera ssp….

30th August

…3154) – quite small but very attractive flowers today and well worth Asia propagating a few more. Hydrangea robusta ‘Tatiana’ (TH 3154) Hydrangea robusta ‘Tatiana’ (TH 3154) Crataegus calpodendron with…

22nd August

…and a relatively small flower. Nice enough though. Hydrangea robusta ‘Tatiana’ Hydrangea robusta ‘Tatiana’ Before leaving I observed three young jays eating these crab apples. They did not eat that…

23rd October

…it came out pure white. Hydrangea aspera subsp. robusta Hydrangea aspera subsp. robusta 1978 – FJW Very dry since August 15th. 1960 – FJW Planted 7 bulbs of GHJ’s 4957…

25th December

…of note quickly on a mild overcast and blustery Christmas day.Hydrangea aspera ssp robusta still with some colour and setting seeds. Hydrangea aspera ssp robusta Hydrangea aspera ssp robusta Magnolia…