20th March

…1/3. Today £10.00. Thats inflation for you. newspaper advert 2022 – CHW Still a strongish east wind. Magnolia ‘Fairy White’ is nearly over. Magnolia ‘Fairy White’ Magnolia ‘Fairy White’ Whereas…

26th May

…sporting a few white flowers in its midst. Not that many evergreen azaleas seem to do this. Azalea ‘Greenway’ Azalea ‘Purple Triumph’ in the Rockery. Azalea ‘Purple Triumph’ Rhododendron radicans…

11th April

…just coming. Rhododendron moorii Betula albosinensis ‘Chinese Garden’ (syn. ‘China Rose’) with wonderful peeling bark. Betula albosinensis ‘Chinese Garden’ Betula albosinensis ‘Chinese Garden’ Wonderful trunks and bark on Lithocarpus hancei….

15th January

…strange white mould on the trunk of an elderly magnolia. I don’t think it is doing any harm. strange white mould on the trunk of an elderly magnolia The seeds…

29th June

…which I have never seen before above Orchid House Nursery. maddenia rhododendron with huge white flowers maddenia rhododendron with huge white flowers Echinops battanicus has survived in this border for…

8th March

…x M. ‘Black Tulip’. This is also the same parentage as the equally impressive M. ‘Venus’. Both were breed by Michael Gottschalk in Germany. This plant is below White Styles….

14th October

…Betula luminifera ‘White House Farm’ Betula luminifera ‘White House Farm’ Betula luminifera ‘White House Farm’ Keteleeria davidiana (ex. Roundabarrow) with secondary new growth. This nearly died after planting but is…

5th March

…but quickly fade to pure white. The New Zealand Magnolia ‘Strybing White’ also has greenish-yellow outer tepals but these flop and droop quickly without the shape or form of Magnolia…

28th January

White’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybing White’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybing White’ Illicium anisatum is out in flower already. We now have several species of Illicium and they seem to flower in spring,…

9th February

…is very pure and an exciting new plant for us for the website. Helleborus ‘Mollys White’ Helleborus ‘Mollys White’ Helleborus ‘Mollys White’ Helleborus ‘Mollys White’ Some nice plants just in…