31st August

rosea ‘Flesh Pink’ also looks tatty and only 2 flowers this year. One had faded to near white. Lapageria rosea ‘Flesh Pink’ Lapageria rosea ‘Picotee’ is only just starting into…

19th April

…Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Jobson’ has had another haircut outside the side door. Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Jobson’ 2022 – CHW I have never personally seen Prunus serrula in flower…

17th February

…(as yet) on Hypericum lancasteri. Hypericum lancasteri Another windblown branch from Acacia citrinoviridis on the bonfire pile. Acacia citrinoviridis Daphne bholua ‘Mary Rose’ has small flowers this year and not…

7th February

‘Mary Rose’ is just coming out in a pot. At Tregullow last week they had a 6-8ft tall multi stemmed one full out in a huge pot by their back…

30th December

…japonica ‘Lady Clare’ on the castle wall almost at its best weeks earlier than usual. Camellia japonica ‘Lady Clare’ Daphne bholua ‘Mary Rose’ still in tight bud in the Rookery…

13th October

…but the damage is still evident. Luma apiculata Luma apiculata Nearly ripe seeds on Camellia reticulata ‘Mary Williams’. Camellia reticulata ‘Mary Williams’ Clethra pringlei is now full out. The very…

19th May

…mother’s gardening era is a small bed of Iris siberica ‘Snow Queen’. Iris siberica ‘Snow Queen’ And one of her favourite roses. roses There was an Echium pininana height competition…

12th December

…gigantic puddle. third car to have been abandoned in this gigantic puddle 2022 – CHW First flower on Camellia japonica ‘Preston’s Rose’. Camellia japonica ‘Preston’s Rose’ A good show of…

20th February

…Not too much to worry about but petals all over the path. Magnolia mollicomata A newly arrived Magnolia ‘Summer Rose’ with its first smallish flowers. Magnolia ‘Summer Rose’ Magnolia sprengeri…

15th June

…Cornish Cream. Cornish Cream Cornish Apple Growing. Cornish Apple Growing China Clay. China Clay Rhodda’s Cornish Cream. Rhodda’s Cornish Cream The pulpit crammed with roses. pulpit crammed with roses Cornish…