26th July

…leaves, another bicolour with a stupid name. Gaura ‘Freefolk Rosy’ Coreopsis ‘Rum Punch’ – reddish with a hint of orange. A good show again for late July in a border….

27th June

…new catalogue. Potentilla fruticosa ‘Bellissima’ and Potentilla fruticosa ‘Double Punch Peach’. Potentilla fruticosa ‘Double Punch Peach’ Potentilla fruticosa ‘Bellissima’ Rubus odoratus nicely in flower. Rubus odoratus Lespedeza bicolour ‘Yakushima’ is…

9th April

Punch Bowl which we have lost. Azalea ‘Oino-Mezame’ Azalea ‘Oino-Mezame’ A picture of the Punch Bowl just coming out. the Punch Bowl just coming out Azalea ‘Katsura-no-hana’ – Kirume. Azalea…

29th September

…Malus ‘Royal beauty’ Malus ‘Royal beauty’ Malus ‘Royalty Malus ‘Royalty’ Euonymus hamiltonianus ‘Rising sun’ with a great show on the sales point. Euonymus hamiltonianus ‘Rising sun’ Escallonia ‘Peach Blossom’ still…

Visit to Tregrehan – 12th March 2022

…entrance. Pachystegia insignis Pachystegia insignis Peach blossom already in the greenhouse. Peach blossom Tamarillo (tree tomato) laden with ripe fruit. Tamarillo Rhododendron veitchianum just out. Rhododendron veitchianum Brassaiopsis aff. hispida…

12th April

…Magnolia ‘Peachy’ Magnolia ‘Peachy’ Magnolia ‘Peachy’ Magnolia ‘Serene’ still out but the flowers are smaller and paler than usual. Magnolia ‘Serene’ Magnolia ‘Serene’ Tilia mongolica ‘Harvest Moon’ just coming into…

21st February

…Magnolia ‘F.J. Williams’ in full flow. Magnolia ‘F.J. Williams’ The sad demise of a Styrax japonicus tree which blew over recently. This was originally a seedling pinched from the Punch

14th April

…Magnolia ‘Peachy’ above Hovel Cart Road. Planted in circa 2010. Magnolia ‘Peachy’ Magnolia ‘Peachy’ Magnolia ‘Peachy’ This is Magnolia ‘Daybreak’, planted in 2008, by way of comparison. This too is…

16th March

…Clianthus maximus A vireya Rhododendron – but it gets no additional heat in the winter! vireya Rhododendron Prunus persica (Peach) with loads of flower in the greenhouse. Prunus persica Prunus…

16th April

…not peach-apricot as they should be, but I think they will yet fade in colour. Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Geisha Girl’ Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Geisha Girl’ The dwarf Rhododendron russatum in the Rockery….