20th April

…Magnolia ‘Yellow Bird’ just coming out in Penvergate. Not as good a colour yet as some years but still impressive. Magnolia ‘Yellow Bird’ Magnolia ‘Yellow Bird’ This is one that…

1st September

…with decent secondary flowers. We pick one for the house. Magnolia ‘Yellow Bird’ Magnolia ‘Yellow Bird’ Magnolia ‘Yellow Bird’ Sadly the Tilia henryana has collapsed. One bit of the tree…

4th July

…to move. A very smart public footpath A very smart public footpath A bird watching area but, deliberately, not a hide as vandalism has been an issue. A bird watching…

2nd March

…we are. new bird boxes new bird boxes new bird boxes A full day at Burncoose plotting this year’s planting programme and picking out the plants from the nursery. Cornus…

3rd April

…japonica ‘Gauntlettii’ which first showed last November. Extraordinary to see such a lengthy flowering span and we can forgive a little petal blight! Camellia japonica ‘Gauntlettii’ 2021 – CHW At…

24th April

…Ross Smith at Duchy College. Rhododendron floccigeum Rhododendron floccigeum Rhododendron floccigeum Rhododendron ‘Beauty of Littleworth’. We must layer this plant! Rhododendron ‘Beauty of Littleworth’ Rhododendron ‘Beauty of Littleworth’ Rhododendron ‘Hotei’…

27th March

…‘Golden Gala’ As was the champion tree of Magnolia ‘Yellow Bird’. Magnolia ‘Yellow Bird’ Magnolia ‘Yellow Bird’ 2019 – CHW Some newish magnolias in Kennel Close.In a magnificent Michelia year…

29th March

…a visiting hoopoe in a garden in Gorran Haven. I saw one of these very rarely UK seen birds as a child near the Hovel with Gilbert Anning. At Burncoose…

12th April

…to say what size the flowers are as the seem very variable. Magnolia ‘Dark Bird’ Magnolia ‘Dark Bird’ 2022 – CHW The three-phase electric cables awaiting connection outside the back…

11th August

…syriacus ‘Blue Bird’ Hibiscus syriacus ‘Blue Bird’ Cautleya spicata ‘Robusta’ just out in flower. Not the most exciting ‘Ginger’ I have ever seen. Cautleya spicata ‘Robusta’ Marsdenia oreophila out in…