20th December

…Encephalartos lebomboensis Encephalartos lebomboensis A 10 foot tall banana A 10 foot tall banana Encephalartos ferox Encephalartos ferox Encephalartos ferox Encephalartos ferox Encephalartos lebomboensis at a smaller size Encephalartos lebomboensis…

April 2018 Irish trip (Day 3)

ferox Pseudopanax ferox Pseudopanax ferox This is trachstemum (?) which is wonderful groundcover for full shade. trachstemum trachstemum trachstemum trachstemum A new plant to me – Blephylocalyx crookshankii. Blephylocalyx crookshankii…

5th October

…named. Schima argentea Schima argentea Schima argentea Schima argentea What extraordinary seeds Melliodendron xylocarpum has. Huge and not rounded as one might have expected from the Styracaceae family. Despite its…

8th December

…bungeana which has an equally attractive and not dissimilar patterning. Pseudopanax ferox Pseudopanax ferox Pseudopanax ferox The bark of Pinus bungeana is pictured here by way of comparison. Pinus bungeana…

30th August

…Six to eight feet tall. Shepherdia argentea Shepherdia argentea An unidentified rhododendron on the path on from the old Lower Quarry Nursery with what I assume are secondary flowers. rhododendron…

Cycads at Burncoose

More of the cycads on a rather less gloomy and wet day. Back to 20th December. Encephalartos ferox Encephalartos ferox Encephalartos ferox Encephalartos alternsteinii Encephalartos alternsteinii Encephalartos lebomboensis Encephalartos lebomboensis…

15th February

…Attractive bark. Pseudopanax ferox Pseudopanax ferox New growth appearing on a defoliated Embothrium despite the recent cold. Embothrium Camellia tsai and Fitzroya cupressoides. Camellia tsai and Fitzroya cupressoides Alarmingly buds…

April 2024 Ireland Trip (Day 2)

…have ever seen. Pseudopanax ferox Pseudopanax ferox The view up the shrub border just outside the walled garden. The view up the shrub border The front of the Clandeboye House….

23rd October

…Schima. Unlike S. khasiana this plant has single flowers rather than flower clusters. Schima argentea Schima argentea 2023 – CHW Pam Hayward found an amusing exchange between JC Williams, my…

5th June

…Debregeasia longifolia (BSWJ 11686) Debregeasia longifolia (BSWJ 11686) Engelhardia spicata (HWJK 2421). Engelhardia spicata (HWJK 2421) Schima argentea (15423) looks nothing like our existing plant of this name. Schima argentea