26th April

…Michelia ‘Fairy Lime’ may be lime green as it opens but this is how it ends up. Very pretty indeed. Michelia ‘Fairy Lime’ Michelia ‘Fairy Lime’ Also in the frames…

6th July

Lime’ Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Lime’ Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Lime’ 2018 – CHW Off to the Isle of Wight shortly in the continuing heatwave.Deer nibbling on a young magnolia on the…

25th August

limes which flower out of season. Peculiar, but a rather splendid surprise today. The scent is definitely lime like too but would be unpleasant indoors. We must now have 12…

22nd October

…different? Magnolia (Michelia) ‘Fairy Lime’ Magnolia (Michelia) ‘Fairy Lime’ 2018 – CHW Autumn colours on Liriodendron tulipifera ‘Aureomarginata’. Not nearly as good a yellow as L. tulipifera itself further down…

10th May

…shrub now in far too much shade. Illicium anisatum Magnolia (Michelia) ‘Fairy Lime’. Another plant which I had forgotten with a few decent flowers. Magnolia (Michelia) ‘Fairy Lime’ Magnolia (Michelia)…

12th April

…up lifted remaining trees all up lifted Staphylea bolanderi is now out. Staphylea bolanderi Magnolia ‘Fairy Lime’ is now rather more visible. Magnolia ‘Fairy Lime’ More rhododendron stumps get dug…

23rd April

…Helen’ and M. ‘Apollo’. Magnolia ‘Tikitere’ Magnolia ‘Tikitere’ Michelia ‘Fairy Blush’ is still in tight bud. If you grew the four fairies in a row (Blush, White, Cream and Lime)…

8th April

…Magnolia (Michelia) ‘Fairy Lime’. Magnolia (Michelia) ‘Fairy Lime’ Another of Alan Clarke’s introductions – a Rhododendron maddenia subsection [?] just starting (CW & J 6342). Rhododendron maddenia Rhododendron maddenia Rhododendron…

27th August

…Tilia henryana Buddleia ‘Silver Anniversary’ full out and looking good – flower and foliage. Buddleia ‘Silver Anniversary’ Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Lime’ is turning colour and now greenish. This is an…

10th April

…drafted into the packing sheds. We put out for planting Michelia ‘Fairy Lime’, M. ‘Touch of Pink’, M. martinii and M. ‘Allspice’ as well as a Manglietia insignis. Most of…