28th April

…Azalea amoena and rhododendron ‘High Sheriff’ Magnolia ‘Gold Star’ by the lodge. Magnolia ‘Gold Star’ Rhododendron ‘Veryan Bay’ Rhododendron ‘Veryan Bay’ 2022 – CHW A pair of swallows rebuilding their…

4th February

…not reshoot at all. Rhododendron keysii Acer laevigata still evergreen even if battered. Acer laevigata Camellia ‘Moonlight Bay’ I think. I had guessed ‘Kitty’ but was wrong. Camellia ‘Moonlight Bay’…

4th May

…flowering high up at 12ft or so. I remember planting this lot 40 years ago and they were at waist level for ages. Rhododendron ‘Veryan Bay’ Rhododendron ‘Veryan Bay’ Rhododendron…

25th April

…old plants of Rhododendron ‘Veryan Bay’ nearing their last ‘hurrah’. Rhododendron ‘Veryan Bay’ Rhododendron ‘Veryan Bay’ First flowering here of Magnolia ‘Purple Prince’ which I first saw in the Valley…

18th March

…and only one female. Cephalotaxus fortunei A bay hedge (Laurus nobilis) blasted to bits in Kennel Close by the east wind. bay hedge bay hedge Abies delavayi with sappy white…

7th May

…on their last legs. Propagation urgent of this valuable Caerhays hybrid. Rhododendron ‘Veryan Bay’ Rhododendron ‘Veryan Bay’ Rhododendron johnstoneanum; a fairly pale form. Rhododendron johnstoneanum Rhododendron ‘Nancor’, a dwarfish Caerhays…

April 2018 Irish trip ( Day 2)

…and well pruned tree. It was clearly a chance sport and still has the odd green shoot or branch. Griselinia littoralis ‘Bantry Bay’ Griselinia littoralis ‘Bantry Bay’ Pittosporum eugenoides ‘Variegatum’…

14th November

…order loading and unloading bay. bay renovation work The herbaceous tunnel looks fantastic. herbaceous tunnel Wonderful fiery colours on Zenobia pulverulenta ‘Raspberry Ripple’. Zenobia pulverulenta ‘Raspberry Ripple’ One set of…

13th June

…has germinated. Manglietia/Magnolia sapaensis 2021 – CHW The G7 leaders leave St Ives this evening. The owner of the Carbis Bay Hotel, for whom our landscape team have been working…

11th June

…on Wednesday at the Carbis Bay Hotel. A project which they started in January! Boris and Carrie arrived just before that. Working in a maximum security site with machine guns,…