5th October

…could be forgiven for thinking that the leaves were those of a Lithocarpus. Ours is clearly wrongly named. Schima argentea Schima argentea Schima argentea Schima argentea What extraordinary seeds Melliodendron…

30th August

…think about it. S. argentea is however another very dull thing. I need an expert opinion! Six to eight feet tall. Shepherdia argentea Shepherdia argentea An unidentified rhododendron on the…

13th May

…Aesculus x mutabilis ‘Induta’ Physocarpus ‘Dart’s Gold’ Zenobia pulverulenta ‘Raspberry Ice’ [ALONGSIDE] Zenobia pulverulenta ‘Blue Sky’ Zenobia pulverulenta ‘Raspberry Ice’ Zenobia pulverulenta ‘Blue Sky’ Cornus alternifolia ‘Argentea’ – another plant…

18th March

…‘Azura’ was new to the catalogue last year. Eucalyptus gunnii ‘Azura’ Eucalyptus pulverulenta ‘Baby Blue’. Eucalyptus pulverulenta ‘Baby Blue’ Still berries on Ilex aquifolium ‘Argentea Marginata’ which is unusual for…

1st October

…missed the first two flowers ever on Schima argentea. One is nearly brown. I can see no more buds on this vigorous and healthy tree for this season. Three out…

10th September

…Eucryphia cordifolia. Eucryphia cordifolia The Cornus alternifolia ‘Argentea’ which also fell over has been successfully pollarded, uprighted and tied into place. Cornus alternifolia ‘Argentea’ Hoheria sextylosa ‘Pendula’ dropping its many…

9th June

…on Schefflera delavayi. Schefflera delavayi Rhododendron nuttallii just out on the main ride. Rhododendron nuttallii 2020 – CHW A young Cornus alternifolia ‘Argentea’ in flower at Donkey Shoe. The Burncoose…

27th September

…persist! The puddles persist 2016 – CHW The best thing in flower in the garden today is the mature Schima khasiana. We have Schima argentea and Schima wallichii in the…

12th October

…with very few flowers too and the other 2 plants have none. Hopefully Susyn Andrews can help confirm if these are indeed Schima wallichii and Schima argentea when she visits…

19th October

…wallichii (or perhaps it is Schima khasiana?) is about to become the best thing in the garden. I have planted several species including Schima argentea and do not see that…