2nd May

…young Rhododendron decorum full out. Rhododendron decorum Rhododendron decorum Rhododendron ‘Beauty of Littleworth’ which we must layer and try aerial. Rhododendron ‘Beauty of Littleworth’ Rhododendron ‘Beauty of Littleworth’ Our old…

5th June

decorum seedlings which are not quite pure decorum is just going over. Rhododendron decorum seedlings Rhododendron decorum seedlings 2017 – CHW An absurdly late pheasant’s nest by Tin Garden with…

27th April

…species of fortunea 1 truss 1st – R. decorum ssp. decorum 1st – R. decorum ssp. decorum Any elepidote hybrid bred in North America 1st – R. ‘Taurus’ 1st –…

3rd June

…as to whether this or Cornus ‘Satomi’ is the best plant flowering in the garden today. Rhododendron decorum Rhododendron decorum Rhododendron decorum 2016 – CHW Magnolia ‘Coral Pink’ is fairly…

20th June

…a flower on one of its lowest branches. Magnolia rostrata 2020 – CHW A good young Rhododendron decorum below Donkey Shoe. Rhododendron decorum I have a mental name block about…

21st June

…late flowering rhododendron. This huge clump of three is very near the end of its life. Rhododendron decorum Rhododendron decorum Rhododendron decorum 2018 – CHW What a fantastic plant Stewartia…

21st April

…out and very early. Remember we saw late flowers on a Rh. decorum last September. Rhododendron decorum Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’ at its very best in the evening light. Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’ Still…

27th May

…Michelia doltsopa flowers A self-sown Rhododendron ponticum and Rhododendron decorum seedling by what was once Lower Quarry Nursery. Rhododendron ponticum and Rhododendron decorum seedling Rhododendron stamineum – very few flowers…

12th November

…2007 planting, quite a nice size and shape. The leaves are pure decorum in shape. FJW Rhododendron decorum hybrid Syringa pinnata has a nasty huge sucker from the rootstock or…

8th August

…Magnolia caveana The late flowering large clump of Rhododendron decorum below Tin Garden. This and the pink form of Rh. decorum need propagating as a priority. Rhododendron decorum Seed heads…