13th April

…Grevillea ‘Bronze Rambler’ has unusual coloured flowers and is said to be hardy to -7°. Grevillea ‘Bronze Rambler’ Grevillea ‘Bronze Rambler’ Grevillea ‘Bronze Rambler’ You seldom see Aucuba japonica ‘Rozanne’…

10th September

…Rambler’ now well established by the Playhouse. Grevillea ‘Bronze Rambler’ Grevillea ‘Bronze Rambler’ Flowers and seed heads on Desmodium elegans. Desmodium elegans Desmodium elegans Another picture of sea mist taken…

8th May

…too. A wow at Chelsea perhaps if it lasts long enough. Asimia triloba Asimia triloba Grevillea ‘Bronze Rambler’ may well make it for Chelsea as something new. Grevillea ‘Bronze Rambler’…

21st May

…which were three weeks later into flower than ours. Scilla verna ‘Sea eagle and fish’ bronze in the garden. bronze Escallonia rubra var. macrantha – a wonderful seaside hedge. Escallonia…

2nd May

…planted Daphniphyllum aff. longeracemosum (BSWJ 11788) had lost all its leaves and I feared was dead. It now looks like reshooting. Daphniphyllum aff. longeracemosum (BSWJ 11788) Bronze new growth on…

6th May

…species and not an American Halesia? Halesia macgregorii Good bronze leaves emerging on Hydrangea aspera ‘Hot Chocolate’. This is our second attempt at the start of the Sinogrande Walk. The…

15th July

…dead but now huge bronze new leaves. Tetradium aff. fraxinifolia Tristanopsis laurina making excellent growth as well. The nursery plants were frosted over winter and had leaf drop but not…

6th July

…dark bronze and stand out superbly. Rhododendron pseudocrysanthemum Rhododendron pseudocrysanthemum Staphylea pinnata has two-celled seed capsules as here. Sometimes in clusters, sometimes in pairs and sometimes a single capsule of…

18th July

…‘Glory of Amlwch’ full out and beautiful in Kennel Close. Hoheria ‘Glory of Amlwch’ Hoheria ‘Glory of Amlwch’ Secondary new growth on Liquidamber acalycina again a stand out bronze-purple-red. Liquidamber…

17th June

…hualiensis situated in full sun setting fruits already. Cotoneaster hualiensis Cotoneaster hualiensis Wonderful bronze new growth on a young Magnolia nitida tucked away in a sheltered spot by the Main…