13th March

…has very variable flowers as they open fully. Camellia ‘Pink Icicle’ Camellia ‘Pink Icicle’ Magnolia ‘Cecil Nice’ about to open. Magnolia ‘Cecil Nice’ Camellia reticulate ‘Dr Clifford Parks’ with its…

28th February

…‘Mount Aso’ Salix gracilistyla ‘Mount Aso’ Two more pictures of the sensational Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’. Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ We have given up on the…

30th January

…questionable? Camellia oleifera ‘Pink Icicle’ Camellia oleifera ‘Pink Icicle’ Camellia japonica ‘Jovey Carlyon’ had a single errant flower in late November. Now it has a few more flowers. Bred at…

8th March

…a shape to the flower and on such a young plant. Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia ‘Pickard’s Ruby’…

2nd March

‘Pink Icicle’ Camellia ‘Pink Icicle’ Camellia ‘Chatsworth Belle’ which has a very intricate and precise flower which I rather like. Camellia ‘Chatsworth Belle’ Camellia ‘Kick Off’ – again flowers variable…

21st February

Icicle’ Ribes sanguineum ‘White Icicle’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’ is the first magnolia here to be full out this year but battered by the wind in Penvergate. There are four record…

24th February

…species ‘Pink Parchment’? Nicer than our original actually and seems stronger growing. Magnolia zenii ‘Pink Parchment’ Magnolia zenii ‘Pink Parchment’ Magnolia ‘Charles Raffil’ with two flowers so far out. Magnolia…

1st March

…Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ seedling First undamaged flowers out on Magnolia denudata ‘Forrest’s Pink’. Magnolia denudata ‘Forrest’s Pink’ 2023 – CHW The Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ seedling on Bond Street is good today…

16th September

…alive after the drought on Ribes ‘White Icicle’. Ribes ‘White Icicle’ Not many of our older beech trees have a proper crop of seeds like this in a drought year….

13th January

…sanguineum ‘White Icicle’ just out but frosted. Ribes sanguineum ‘White Icicle’ 2020 – CHW The new bait in the squirrel traps is showing signs of working immediately! Sunflower seeds are…