21st October

…burmanicum (Rockery) zaleucum schlippenbachii fargesii albrechtii dichroanthum bureavii concatenans stamineum stenaulum discolor aberconwayi morii racemosum arboreum (three colours) delavayi falconeri cubitii praestansWe drew a blank with no seed pods on…

28th March

…good young clump of Rhododendron racemosum from wild sourced seed. Rhododendron racemosum Jaimie has used the public’s absence to cut back all the hydrangeas by the green gate. by the…

25th March

…x Camellia lutchuenensis Camellia ‘Scentuous’ x Camellia lutchuenensis A nice plant of the unusual white form of Rhododendron racemosum goes in by Georges Hut. A hint of pink as the…

31st May

…a Trachycarpus. Mahonia hartwegii A good bit of flower on a young Distylium racemosum in Tin Garden. Distylium racemosum First flowering of newly planted and very rare Tilia callidonta (bought…

25th April

…dogs.Three plants of wild collected Rhododendron racemosum are nicely in flower but a rather insipid colour compared to other forms which can be white or darker pink.. Rhododendron racemosum Nearby…

6th February

…in fact Distylum racemosum but admits to the fact that Chinese forms may be different from those from Taiwan, Japan and Korea. I would say that the plant in the…

29th January

…R obtusum – moupinense – rubiginosum – neriiflorum – cuneatum – racemosum – scabrifolium – oreodoxa – cyanocarpum – mucronulatum – dahuricum semperivens – lutescens – baylei – sulfureum –…

25th January

…dahuricum and R racemosum are open. 1902 – JCW Far behind the above, snowdrops coming on, a Camellia or two, it has been very mild up to this, but it…

24th January

…Lutescens “ “ Mucronulatum nearly over Decorum odd late flower Argenteum * I could fill a show vase, rest odd flowers. Aemulorum* Davidsonianum* Praecox Leucaspis Parvifolium* Rubiginosum* Stewartianum* Racemosum* (Oleifolium)…

10th September

…corn out – garden does not look too dry. 1916 – JCW The following rhodo’s are in flower – R flavidum, R hippophaeoides, R scintillans, R racemosum, R radicans, R…