6th July

Blue’ is an evergreen sub-shrub unlike the other herbaceous penstemons. Penstemon heterophyllus ‘Heavenly Blue’ Geranium pratense ‘Delft Blue’ Geranium pratense ‘Delft Blue’ Salvia ‘Purple Rain’ was spectacular. Salvia ‘Purple Rain’…

26th April

…down but otherwise fine which is one of the few wins amongst our most tender plants. Podocarpus elongatus ‘Blue Chip’ Podocarpus elongatus ‘Blue Chip’ Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Hattie Carthan’ is…

22nd July

…– easily the best blue lacecap HYDRANGEA ‘Taube’ HYDRANGEA ‘Taube’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks blue’ – very floriferous and vigorous grower Hydrangea ‘Fireworks blue’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks blue’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks pink’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks…

8th August

…Rhododendron schlippenbachii Hydrangea ‘Blue Wave’ (‘Mariesii Perfecta’) looking good on the drive. A better blue than some years and this clump are in full shade. Hydrangea ‘Blue Wave’ Hydrangea ‘Blue

26th June

…pisifera ‘Filifera’ at Burncoose. This is the attractive golden form. Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera’ Hibiscus ‘Blue Chiffon’ – a good double blue. Hibiscus ‘Blue Chiffon’ Then to the nearby Dalverton garden…

8th September

…sikkimense 2017 – CHW Surprising what is still in flower while autumn approaches.Cornus amomum ‘Blue Cloud’ with wonderful autumn colour. Cornus amomum ‘Blue Cloud’ Cornus amomum ‘Blue Cloud’ Cornus amomum…

1st July

…x ‘Midsummer Mermaid Blue’ flowering nicely with bluish new growth. A Glendoick cross planted in 2017. Rhododendron viscosum x ‘Midsummer Mermaid Blue’ Rhododendron viscosum x ‘Midsummer Mermaid Blue’ The bed…

12th July

…be well worth Burncoose stocking. Salvia ‘Purple and Bloom’ Salvia ‘Purple and Bloom’ Salvia ‘Big Blue’ not bad either. Salvia ‘Big Blue’ Salvia ‘Big Blue’ 2022 – CHW The hydrangea…

17th August

…Eryngium planum ‘Magical Purple Falls’ Monarda ‘Knight Violet’ and Eryngium planum ‘Magical Purple Falls’ Lobelia siphilitica ‘Blue’and Lobelia ‘Fanship Burgundy’ Lobelia siphilitica ‘Blue’and Lobelia ‘Fanship Burgundy’ Lobelia ‘Fanship Scarlet’ and…

4th August

…phellos. Quercus phellos Pink and blue Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’ together. Pink and blue Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’ Pink and blue Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’ See what a hit this clump of red hydrangea took in…