25th May

…pay for). Penvergate Farmhouse Penvergate Farmhouse Penvergate Farmhouse Penvergate Farmhouse Azalea ‘Delicatissimum’ planted last year in Kennel Close. An ancient clump on the drive. Azalea ‘Delicatissimum’ Magnolia ‘Peaches and Cream’…

2nd May

…elliottii 1939) ‘Ayesha’ (discolor x arboreum 1926) ‘Ayesha’ (discolor x arboreum 1926) ‘Ilam Cream’ (loderi x ?) ‘Ilam Cream’ (loderi x ?) ‘Jessica Rothschild’ (decorum x hotei) ‘Jessica Rothschild’ (decorum…

20th March

…Magnolia ‘Fairy Cream’ is still in tight bud. Magnolia ‘Fairy Cream’ The rest of the elderly Gevuina avellana has blown open. Last year we cut down most of it as…

23rd April

…Helen’ and M. ‘Apollo’. Magnolia ‘Tikitere’ Magnolia ‘Tikitere’ Michelia ‘Fairy Blush’ is still in tight bud. If you grew the four fairies in a row (Blush, White, Cream and Lime)…

14th April

…we first saw it in this blog. Magnolia ‘Genie’ Magnolia ‘Woodsman’ x ‘Patriot’ is improving having fallen over and needing re-staking. Magnolia ‘Woodsman’ x ‘Patriot’ Magnolia ‘Woodsman’ x ‘Patriot’ Magnolia…

26th April

…in the Eisenhut book. ‘LADY WOODSMAN’ ‘LADY WOODSMAN’ Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Woodsman’ x Magnolia ‘Patriot’ with its extraordinary blue flowers. Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Woodsman’ x Magnolia ‘Patriot’ Magnolia x brooklynensis…

22nd December

…Pittosporum adaphniphylloides Swelling buds on Magnolia ‘Fairy Cream’. Magnolia ‘Fairy Cream’ Our layers on Rhododendron griffithianum need moving next spring and have clearly developed their own roots. Rhododendron griffithianum Still…

27th February

…from Burncoose in the parkland and woodland gardens. An ancient tractor and Hamamelis mollis ‘Pallida’ in the newly developed Engine House Yard. ancient tractor Helleborus argutifolius just opening. Helleborus argutifolius…

15th September

…of becoming a decent timber crop in 50 to 60 years’ time. Brownberry Wood Brownberry Wood Brownberry Wood 2017 – CHW Completing the annual tree survey in Burncoose Garden.A big…

6th May

…flower heads (white) Betula utilis var jacquemontii ‘Greyswood Ghost’ Betula utilis var jacquemontii ‘Greyswood Ghost’ Betula ermarii ‘Greyswood Hill’ Betula ermarii ‘Greyswood Hill’ Betula utilis ‘Doorenbos’ Betula utilis ‘Doorenbos’ Betula…