6th June

…‘June Snow’ on the Burncoose stand. Styrax japonicus ‘June Snow’ Styrax japonicus ‘June Snow’ Styrax japonicus ‘Snow Cone’ which sold immediately. Styrax japonicus ‘Snow Cone’ Styrax japonicus ‘Snow Cone’ Lonicera…

27th April

…like as good as this. Magnolia laevifolia ‘Summer Snowflake’ Magnolia laevifolia ‘Summer Snowflake’ Magnolia laevifolia ‘Summer Snowflake’ Magnolia laevifolia ‘Summer Snowflake’ Another (just out) Rhododendron niveum which is a rather…

1st August

…bushy form. Hoheria sextylosa ‘Snow White’ Hoheria sextylosa ‘Snow White’ Hoheria sextylosa ‘Snow White’ Hoheria sextylosa ‘Snow White’ Likewise the first flowers actually seen on Callicarpa shirasawana. We saw the…

6th March

…out and undamaged. How appropriate! Enca carnea ‘Winter Snow’ Enca carnea ‘Winter Snow’ Edgewrthia chrysantha just coming out and undamaged. Edgewrthia chrysantha The leaves on Pseudowintera colorata have enjoyed the…

5th August

…first hints of pink in the flowerheads. Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Snow Queen’ Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Snow Queen’ The variegated leaved Luma apiculata ‘Glanleam Gold’ with bits of reversion to green here and…

18th March

…‘sodekashuki’ have flowers amid the snow! Roy is now happily stuck in the Wilson and Forrest archives making copious notes. The snow has some positive points. 2017 – CHW Magnolia…

30th December

…last year. The other larger plants have yet to show. Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ The main clump of Rhododendron ‘Bo Peep’ – yellow form –…

10th November

…ones may be a month away still. Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ Stachyurus lancifolius with exceptional colours today and next spring’s flowers already well formed as you can see…

13th March

…ground level. Persea thunbergii As we saw last summer rot at the base of our largest surviving Magnolia sprengeri var. diva. Lots more dieback but still one branch with decent…

29th March

…planted Magnolia ‘Summer Lady’ from Germany is not that exciting as yet but different. Magnolia ‘Summer Lady’ Magnolia ‘Tropicana’ with Michelia doltsopa behind it. Magnolia ‘Tropicana’ Rhododendron pseudochrysanthemum Rhododendron pseudochrysanthemum…