15th July

…expect Bugle to flower in March/April in a more formal garden context but not, it seems, as a wildflower. Ajuga reptans Ajuga reptans Another common woodland garden wildflower is Filipendula…

23rd February

…Jim Gardiner and, I think, wild collected in China on a Swedish magnolia expedition. Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Wakehurst’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Wakehurst’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Wakehurst’ Magnolia ‘Aurora’ –…

9th April

…watched the IDS lecture on this Acer, and its rarity today in the wild due to the building of new dams, I rather hope so. Acer pentaphyllum Acer pentaphyllum Rhododendron…

2nd April

…and wild primulas Cyclamen coum, coloured primroses and wild primulas A pleasant surprise. At last an unnoticed Melliodendron xylocarpum is actually making good growth into a small tree. Flower buds…

20th March

…Magnolia loebneri ‘Wildcat’ at its best in the teeth of the wind. It may look sunny in these pictures but it is far from warm. Magnolia loebneri ‘Wildcat’ 2021 –…

2nd June

wild growing Papaver cambricum beside the drive are a joy. Welsh poppy – previously Meconopsis cambrica. Fairly rare in Cornwall as a native wildflower. Papaver cambricum The end of filming…

10th July

…the wild some time ago which adds to the confusion. At least the other Meliosma species growing here are rather easier to identify:Meliosma pungens (now Meliosma simplicifolia subsp. pungens –…

11th June

…Pheasant feathers and rabbit fur as you can see but no youngsters. Probably the stoat which I have been seeing by the front door. stoat’s den The wild flower book…

28th February

…true Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ true Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ A smashing display of wild Cyclamen coum above the gents’ loo. wild Cyclamen coum And the first coloured primrose which was once a cross…

18th July

…persica Rather more than a wild flower meadow and absolutely stunning! wild flower meadow wild flower meadow Better and better – a very carefully though through planting plan to give…