5th July

…‘Fireworks-Blue’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks-Blue’ just full out. Hydrangea ‘Fireworks-Blue’ Rhododendron ‘Royal Flush’ (pale pink form) nearly over. Rhododendron ‘Royal Flush’ Still flowers on Magnolia globosa. Magnolia globosa 2021 – CHW First…

21st April

…which I believe have now been reclassified as rhododendrons. Menziesia ‘Honshu Blue’ Menziesia ‘Honshu Blue’ Menziesia ‘Honshu Blue’ An old Rhododendron campylogynum on its last legs in the Rockery. Rhododendron…

29th April

…good a bluebell bit as we have in the main garden near Rogers Quarry. Bluebells Illicium majus is making a fair tree. Good new growth. Illicium majus Illicium majus Cercis…

29th March

…welcome addition to our four other pink and purple flowered Loropetalum varieties. Loropetalum carolina ‘Moonlight’ Teucrium fruiticosum ‘Azureum’ – a good blue and much better than the light blue of…

2nd April

…Rhododendron ‘Christmas Cheer’ Distylum myricoides ‘Blue Cascade’ with its first flowers and new growth. Still to see any blue but presumably this will be evident in the new growth. Distylum…

23rd October

…paniculata ‘White Lace’ Young Acer campestre showing autumnal yellow. Acer campestre Hydrangea ‘Fireworks Blue’ turning to reddish purple. Hydrangea ‘Fireworks Blue’ First yellowing on Liriodendron tulipifera ‘Aureomarginata’. Liriodendron tulipifera ‘Aureomarginata’…

7th June

…Rosa ‘Blue for You’ on the Cornish Rose Company stand. Rosa ‘Blue for You’ Rosa ‘Blue for You’ A nice memorial for Albert Riddle outside the members’ pavilion. Albert would…

2nd August

…rhododendrons and secondary new growth on many other things. Abies koreana with fine clusters of blue cones. Abies koreana More seeds than usual on Decaisnea fargesii but yet to turn…

1st August

…‘Bambino Blue’ was pretty. Hardy? Polemonium ‘Bambino Blue’ Polemonium ‘Bambino Blue’ Polemonium ‘Bambino Blue’ Helenium ‘Sombrero’ in the rain. Helenium ‘Sombrero’ Helenium ‘Sombrero’ Helenium ‘Sombrero’ Lonicera x americana Lonicera x…

30th July

…Hydrangea ‘Blue Wave’ on the drive. Hydrangea ‘Blue Wave’ Hydrangea ‘Blue Wave’ The Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’ are now a huge clump above the drive. Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’ Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’…