6th June

…just into leaf. Paeonia daurica Nothing quite matches Meconopsis baileyi (syn. betonicifolia) as a blue flower in the early morning sunlight in the cashpoint. Meconopsis baileyi Meconopsis baileyi Lupinus ‘Manhattan…

28th November

Next Day >< Previous Day CONTRIBUTORS: FJW 1955-2007 CHW 2015- JCW 1897-1939 CW 1940-1955 2023 – CHW Jaimie’s early morning picture taken from the castle roof while clearing out the…

18th April

…features of this whole crisis. The priorities are all wrong as history will show.The cuckoo joins the dawn chorus this morning near the house.The row of camellias below the fernery…

16th April

…only flowering on its sunny side and is very different in leaf to Maddenia hypoleuca. It is clear that Maddenias were introduced here from old planting records but had never…

16th January

…out and rather good today. Camellia ‘Cinnamon Cindy’ Camellia ‘Cinnamon Cindy’ 2022 – CHW Warm and sunny still with a few bumblebees confused by the weather. Good to see. Is…

15th September

…a conservatory plant. Nevertheless here it is in rude health on a sunny but sheltered bank. Calliandra surinamensis Indigofera howellii ‘Reginald Cory’ is perhaps the best thing in flower today…

18th June

…Hosta sieboldiana elegans Hosta sieboldiana elegans 2017 – CHW A superbly fine and sunny day for the charity fete. 457 cars in the three car parks by 12.15 and ?150…

2nd August

…hot sunny bank. A tender and difficult plant even in Cornwall which I have only ever seen in flower before in pots in the nursery. Chitalpa taskentensis A eucomis species…

1st April

…Burrow Hunt at the beach. Saw the first house martin by the big tower at 7.15pm. A day or two earlier than last year on a sunny day with brief…

15th April

…the now completed, wired and staked new planting above Roger’s Quarry. All looking good but we need rain. Planting above Roger’s Quarry 2004 – FJW Very sunny spring. Today a…