2nd April

…‘Paul Cook’ Magnolia kobus ‘Octopus’ Magnolia kobus ‘Octopus’ Magnolia kobus ‘Octopus’ Magnolia ‘Asian Artistry’ Magnolia ‘Asian Artistry’ Magnolia ‘Asian Artistry’ Magnolia ‘Anya’ Magnolia ‘Anya’ Magnolia ‘Amethyst’ Magnolia ‘Amethyst’ Magnolia x…

30th March

…Magnolia ‘Asian Artistry’ Magnolia ‘Asian Artistry’ One last flower left on a young Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ by Tin Garden. The old plant long over and the other young ones had…

31st March

…Van Vive’ Magnolia ‘Asian Artistry’. Magnolia ‘Asian Artistry’ Magnolia ‘Asian Artistry’ Magnolia sinostellata has a hint of pink which does not show properly in this photograph. Magnolia sinostellata Magnolia cylindrica…

29th May

…flower high up. Crug Farm do supply enormous plants. Should I pollard this back I wonder? Gamblea ciliata var. evodiaefolia Ilex chapaensis with some winter dieback. (HWJ 946). Not that…

23rd February

Asian ones. Tom has around 10 species but there is much muddle as we will see. Our two species at Caerhays may well both be incorrectly labelled. Polyspora longicarpa Polyspora…

24th June

…a secondary flush after the recent rains. The flowers are within the plant and not standing proud to it as is normal. Cornus ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’ Cornus ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’…

25th April

…I have never really noticed the individual flowers before at the centre of the bracts. Cornus ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’ Cornus ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’ A smaller and more conventionally sized Magnolia…

15th April

…– greenish-cream flower bracts turning white. They will get much bigger yet. Cornus ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’ Cornus ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’ Cornus ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’ Boquilla trifoliata ‘out’ as far as…

16th April

…‘Shin Sekai’ and Rhododendron schlippenbachii. Azalea ‘Shin Sekai’ Rhododendron schlippenbachii and Acer palmatum ‘Osakazuki’. Rhododendron schlippenbachii Rhododendron schlippenbachii and Rhododendron ‘Emma Williams’. Rhododendron schlippenbachii Cornus ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’ with its…

29th October

…on Halesia carolina above the Auklandii Garden. Halesia carolina Halesia carolina Also on Cornus ‘Eddies White Wonder’ nearby. Cornus ‘Eddies White Wonder’ Cornus ‘Eddies White Wonder’ The stump of the…