22nd November

Ice’). Prunus ‘Matsumae-fuki’ (‘Chocolate Ice’) Prunus ‘Matsumae-fuki’ (‘Chocolate Ice’) Prunus ‘Matsumae-fuki’ (‘Chocolate Ice’) Prunus ‘Ichiyo’ (‘Pink Champagne’). Prunus ‘Ichiyo’ (‘Pink Champagne’) Prunus ‘Ichiyo’ (‘Pink Champagne’) Prunus ‘Ichiyo’ (‘Pink Champagne’) Prunus…

27th May

‘Blue Opal’ flowering well for the first time in Kennel Close. Magnolia acuminata ‘Blue Opal’ Magnolia acuminata ‘Blue Opal’ Magnolia acuminata ‘Blue Opal’ Magnolia obovata perfectly out. Magnolia obovata Rosa…

1st January

…a lot of frost in the Dec and Nov. A few Lapagerias. 1909 – JCW No Aconite, coums good, Ericas very nice, Rhodo nobleanum plenty, Solanum nice, some roses, bedding…

13th April

…‘Chocolate Ice’) Prunus ‘Matsumae-fuki’ (syn ‘Chocolate Ice’) Prunus ‘Matsumae-fuki’ (syn ‘Chocolate Ice’) 2016 – CHW A most hectic day with two full tours, one with lunch and one with tea…

3rd August

…medium-tall growing. Agapanthus ‘Sandringham’ Agapanthus ‘Sandringham’ Agapanthus ‘Bressingham Blue’ – taller growing and very floriferous. Not quite as dark as Agapanthus ‘Navy Blue’? Agapanthus ‘Bressingham Blue’ Agapanthus ‘Bressingham Blue’ Agapanthus…

6th July

…‘Pink Crispy’ Photinia fraseri ‘Magical Volcano’ Penstemon heterophyllus ‘Heavenly Blue’ is an evergreen sub-shrub unlike the other herbaceous penstemons. Penstemon heterophyllus ‘Heavenly Blue’ Geranium pratense ‘Delft Blue’ Geranium pratense ‘Delft…

5th July

…few photographs of some new plants for the 2018 mail order catalogue:Agapanthus ‘Strawberry Ice’ opens white and then develops a delicate pink tinge. Agapanthus ‘Strawberry Ice’ Agapanthus ‘Strawberry Ice’ Parkinsonia…

2nd August

…before. Kniphofia ‘Ice Queen’ Kniphofia ‘Ice Queen’ Olearia virgata, I think, in flower in the rain. Olearia virgata, Sorbaria tomentosa (possibly) var angustifolia with one flower still out. Sorbaria tomentosa…

17th April

…Road. Perhaps Narcissus x intermedius? narcissus Ceanothus ‘Trewithen Blue’ and Magnolia ‘Yellow Lantern’ – blue and yellow work well together here. Ceanothus ‘Trewithen Blue’ Ceanothus ‘Trewithen Blue’ and Metasequoia glyptostroboides…

13th May

…flowering magnolia by far now. What a spectacle and to think it took us years to notice it was even flowering! Magnolia ‘Summer Solstice’ Magnolia ‘Summer Solstice’ Magnolia ‘Summer Solstice’