27th August

…sinogrande with minimal new growth. Rhodendron sinogrande Virtually leafless Sophora ‘Sun King’. Probably dead. Sophora ‘Sun King’ Sophora ‘Sun King’ Ligustrum confusum has shed nearly all its seed head in…

15th July

…year on Carpinus fangiana. Carpinus fangiana Ligustrum strongylophyllum flowering decently for the first time. Ligustrum strongylophyllum Ligustrum strongylophyllum Betony growing well in the clearing above Higher Quarry Nursery. Betony Another…

4th July

…a fine flowering truss for a privet although most of the flowers are already over. Not a hedging privet! Ligustrum confusum Ligustrum confusum Rather splendid new growth on Acer fabri…

8th September

Ligustrum japonicum ‘Aureum’ in full flower. Ligustrum japonicum ‘Aureum’ Ligustrum japonicum ‘Aureum’ Dregea sinensis Dregea sinensis Dregea sinensis 2016 – CHW Mespilus germanica with a good crop of fruit which…

11th June

…the northerly winds last Saturday. Rhododendron decorum Rhododendron decorum Ligustrum confusum flowering prolifically. Ligustrum confusum Ligustrum confusum Rhododendron lepidostylum was a gift from Peter & Pat Bucknell in 2011. Flowering…

13th September

Ligustrum quihoui still with a few flowers left. Ligustrum quihoui Cordyline ‘Southern Splendour’ shows up well at this time of the year beside the other Cordylines and the Phormiums. Cordyline…

22nd February

…it. The ‘dog shit on stalks’ has largely blown away. Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybing White’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybing White’ We went to label Ligustrum confusum as a UK record tree but…

23rd July

…Zelkova serrata ‘Kiwi Sunset’ Corylus colurna which I turfed out here some years ago as boring. I was quite wrong! Corylus colurna Ligustrum japonicum ‘Texanum’ – dullish but different! Ligustrum

25th August

…on Ligustrum confusum. Ligustrum confusum Seed aplenty forming on Lomatia ferruginea. Lomatia ferruginea Seed heads forming on Photinia prionophylla. Photinia prionophylla Although I suspect they will not develop properly acorn…

12th August

…out by January. Magnolia “Todd’s Fortyniner” Magnolia “Todd’s Fortyniner” 2018 – CHW The fallen record tree, Ligustrum confusum, is shooting vigorously from the base. I see no reason not to…