6th July

Philadelphus pekinensis Philadelphus pekinensis Philadelphus satsumi we have seen already this year and in the frames. Just a few flowers left. 2018 planted. Asia has cuttings coming on. Philadelphus satsumi…

2nd June

…at its best at Donkey Shoe. Azalea kaempferi Philadelphus sericanthus just out. This is going to be a sizeable shrub. Philadelphus sericanthus Philadelphus sericanthus Philadelphus caucasicus just out too. Two…

29th May

…zeyheri on Penberth nurseries’ stand. Watsonia zeyheri Elegia tectorum Elegia tectorum Plectranthus zuluensis Plectranthus zuluensis On our stand Philadelphus ‘Starbright’ stood out and sold in minutes. Philadelphus ‘Starbright’ Philadelphus ‘Starbright’…

1st June

…Rhododendron decorum Rhododendron decorum Deutzia longifolia – the pure white form in Tin Garden. Deutzia longifolia Philadelphus caucasicus quite superb today. A trio of plants. Philadelphus caucasicus Philadelphus caucasicus Aesculus…

31st May

…oliveri Cornus ‘Venus’ making a splendid show even as a young plant. Cornus ‘Venus’ Cornus ‘Venus’ Philadelphus purpurascens in Tin Garden. Philadelphus purpurascens Philadelphus purpurascens Deutzia calycosa ‘Dali’ Deutzia calycosa…

5th July

Philadelphus maculatus ‘Mexican Jewel’ Philadelphus maculatus ‘Mexican Jewel’ Philadelphus maculatus ‘Mexican Jewel’ Philadelphus mexicanus hangs its flowers inside the dense small leaved and much smaller bush which it has become….

25th June

…a young Philadelphus satsumi. Philadelphus Philadelphus Half this Hydrangea aspera villosa died in last summer’s drought. Root suckers are emerging now which I would not have expected from this plant…

14th June

…Tin Garden. Large shrubs in only 4 years. Philadelphus pekinensis Philadelphus pekinensis Gardens closed now so the squirrel traps can come back into the open and an early catch here….

25th May

…by Georges Hut. Rhododendron ‘Polyroy’ A large Philadelphus (10-12ft x 6-8ft) tucked away by Georges Hut which is not on Jaimie’s post 1997 planting plans. Philadelphus Philadelphus First signs of…

5th June

…(BSWJ 11004) – planted 2017. Less tall growing and vigorous than the other two species seen a week ago nearby in Kennel Close. Philadelphus satsuma (BSWJ 11004) Philadelphus satsuma (BSWJ…