20th April

…the path and well worth propagating. Azalea ‘Pink Pancake’ Azalea ‘Pink Pancake’ 2018 – CHW Back at home after over 1,200 miles of driving in six days. Jaimie has kept…

25th June

pink. Very floriferous. Styrax japonica ‘Pink Chimes’ Styrax japonica ‘Pink Chimes’ Styrax japonica ‘Pink Chimes’ 1990 – FJW Rosa filipes ‘Kiftsgate’ by Front Gate – excellent. 1989 – FJW Styrax…

19th June

…japonicus ‘Evening Light’ Buds on Magnolia virginiana ‘Pink Halo’ for the first time. Magnolia virginiana ‘Pink Halo’ Flower tassels on Quercus oxyodon. Quercus oxyodon Hydrangea seemannii just out. Hydrangea seemannii…

26th April

…hint of pink in bud and you have to strain your eyes to see the pink in the tepals after that. Magnolia ‘Pink Kobus’ Acer palmatum ‘Orange Dream’ is quite…

24th April

…species. Wisteria ‘Pink Ice’ perhaps? Wisteria ‘Pink Ice’ ? Wisteria ‘Pink Ice’ ? Wisteria venista ‘Shiro-kapitan’ just coming out. Wisteria venista ‘Shiro-kapitan’ Wisteria venista ‘Shiro-kapitan’ Cydonia oblonga – as good…

8th March

…a shape to the flower and on such a young plant. Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia sprengeri ‘Dusty Pink’ Magnolia ‘Pickard’s Ruby’…

20th June

…walteri now fully out in flower on the drive. Blown open in the wind. Cornus walteri A hint of pink on Styrax japonicus ‘Pink Chimes’. Pinkish buds and occasionally one…

11th March

…Chionodoca ‘Pink Giant’ – a good light pink form too which appeared to self sow itself. Chionodoca ‘Pink Giant’ Chionodoca ‘Pink Giant’ Chionodoca ‘Pink Giant’ And a few more novelties…

28th June

…a much larger and pinker flower than ‘Pink Showers’ seen yesterday. Dark leaves too of course. Styrax japonicus ‘Pink Snowbell’ Stewartia x henryae with a good crop of flowers. Stewartia…

13th March

…of Pink’ 2010 planted Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’ 2010 planted Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’ This may or may not be Michelia foveolata (no flowers yet). Looks more like Michelia maccleurei…