20th March

…Finch’ is also out. Nothing 2 days ago. Magnolia ‘Gold Finch’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Princess Margaret’ at its best. Magnolia campbellii ‘Princess Margaret’ Magnolia ‘Atlas’ nearly at its best on the…

21st March

‘Princess Margaret’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Princess Margaret’ The true, original, and small growing (Trewithen) Magnolia cylindrica just coming out. Pure white flowers unlike newer introductions which have a purple stripe at…

31st March

…Very late out for a campbellii. The plant in Kennel Close is now our best example of ‘Princess Margaret’. Another has partially keeled over. Magnolia campbellii ‘Princess Margaret’ Magnolia campbellii…

24th April

…Pride Rhododendron ‘Michael’s Pride Rhododendron ‘Princess Alice’ nearly over by the main quarry. A much dwarfer scented variety Rhododendron ‘Princess Alice’ Rhododendron ‘Princess Alice’ Rhododendron ‘Princess Alice’ 2018 – CHW…

14th March

…of Magnolia campbellii ‘Princess Margaret’. Magnolia campbellii ‘Princess Margaret’ A really good Magnolia ‘Sweetheart’. Magnolia ‘Sweetheart’ Our magnolia exhibit Our magnolia exhibit Our magnolia exhibit Our magnolia exhibit We had…

10th April

…one down). Camellia ‘Tiny Princess’ Camellia ‘Tiny Princess’ Camellia japonica ‘Clark Hubbs’ (bottom corner – incorrectly shown on plan as ‘Marinka’ – these two reds have been swoped on the…

27th February

…Daphne ‘Perfume Princess’ now full out in one of the greenhouses. Daphne ‘Perfume Princess’ Daphne ‘Perfume Princess’ Daphne ‘Perfume Princess’ Daphne ‘Perfume Princess’ A few new varieties of camellias recently…

1st April

…for any tree magnolia producing something. Nothing like the real thing in size or colour. Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’ Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’ 2017 – CHW A trip to look at more…

1st October

‘Princess Margaret’ Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’ Schefflera pauciflora with now ripe seeds which Asia ought to gather with some put aside for when Paul calls here in late October. Schefflera pauciflora…

18th December

…propped. Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’ Magnolia ‘Princess Margaret’ 2020 – CHW A carpet of seedlings under a solitary Podocarpus salignus. You never see enough podocarps or red berries on the tree…