13th July

…seed in the wind. Meconopsis cambrica Meconopsis cambrica Sedum album, white stonecrop, now full out on the hedge of Malvern House in the village. Sedum album Sedum album Hydrangea ‘Zorro’…

4th June

…vitafolium var. album ‘Veronica Tennant’ Abutilon vitafolium var. album ‘Veronica Tennant’ Podocarpus x ‘County Park Fire’ in full new growth in the nursery car park. Podocarpus x ‘County Park Fire’…

28th July

…died or been eaten. Zanthoxylum nepalense var. oxyphyllum Zanthoxylum nepalense var. oxyphyllum Quercas suber blown over yet again. Wrong place for this too. Quercas suber Quercas suber Quillaja saponaria getting…

22nd May

…always known as Rhododendron catawbiense ‘Album’ tucked away by the Aucuba omiensis. Rhododendron catawbiense ‘Album’ Rhododendron catawbiense ‘Album’ Flowers still on Magnolia acuminata var. subcordata ‘Miss Honeybee’. Magnolia acuminata var.

12th July

…areas. Is this exactly the same as what I photographed at The Lookout a few days ago? Possibly. Sedum album Sedum album The view towards Caerhays from their front lawn….

19th July

…at the top of Herreswater. Gallium album Gallium album Deutzia pulchra just going over. Deutzia pulchra Cornus kousa ‘Milky Way’ by the bonfire with just a few flowers left. This…

9th January

…showed it over the years at autumn Garden Society dinners. Rhododendron nobleanum ‘Album’ Rhododendron nobleanum ‘Album’ New things for us to plant out in the next two years: Persea indica…

5th May

…now developing into a substantial shrub with attractive new foliage and flowers. Berberis amurensis var. latifolia Berberis amurensis var. latifolia Azalea oldhamii just out but sparse flowering this year even…

18th May

…Normally this and the similar M. ‘Summer Solstice’ are out at the same time. Magnolia ‘Southern Belle’ Juglans cinerea just into leaf. Juglans cinerea Eucalyptus mannifera var. praecox (2014 planted)….

10th July

…scented today. Phlox ‘Cool of the Evening’ Dierama pulcherimum var. album which we stock but have never flowered in the nursery. Dierama pulcherimum var. album Hydrangea xanthoneura wilsonii in flower….