8th July

…flowers but now think it is Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Spinners’. Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Spinners’ Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Spinners’ 2019 – CHW A visit to Godshill Model Village…

29th September

…A visit to Burncoose when I discover score of Malus trees have arrived from various sources for planting out in the Kitchen Garden here. Some of these varieties are even…

1st June

…I am still a bit suspicious of this naming when I look at the flower clusters. Styrax hookeri var. yunnanensis Styrax hookeri var. yunnanensis Salvia leucantha just out. Salvia leucantha…

28th March

…holocarpa var. rosea smashed up by the rain. Staphylea holocarpa var. rosea Another drought casualty now showing up. Another drought casualty Acacia verticillata looking very fine today. Acacia verticillata Acacia…

21st July

…seed heads now swelling. Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Wisley Cream’ Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Wisley Cream’ The best blue hydrangea clump in the garden Dad always maintained in shade above…

3rd October

…sitting in the mainly Chinese Cotoneaster species collection but that will puzzle a few plant experts one day. Hardy say Hilliers. Myrceugenia ovata var. nannophylla Myrceugenia ovata var. nannophylla Cotoneaster…

7th October

…village of Frosterley. The snowberries were very fine and just starting to drop off the trees in a wind. Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus A magnificent Sequoiadendron…

13th March

…flowers. Luckily we have lots of other plants of flowering age. Magnolia sprengeri var. diva Magnolia sprengeri var. diva Magnolia sprengeri var. diva Magnolia campbellii var. mollicomata ‘Burncoose Tennis Court’…

28th June

…replace the elderly plants growing here. Rhododendron arboreum. Rhododendron arboreum Rhododendron hyperythrum. Rhododendron hyperythrum Rhododendron tephropeplum. Rhododendron tephropeplum Rhododendron protistum var. giganteum. Rhododendron protistum var. giganteum Rhododendron montroseanum. Rhododendron montroseanum…

23rd May

…what is out in the garden. Styrax odoratissimus is shedding and nearly over. Styrax odoratissimus Styrax formosanus var. hayatiana is just starting into flower. Styrax formosanus var. hayatiana Osteomeles subrotunda…