3rd June

…greenhouse. Aesculus wilsonii Aesculus wilsonii Aesculus wilsonii A solitary flower on a Magnolia wilsonii on a hot bank. Doubt it will survive unless it rains soon. You cannot begin to…

5th June

…Pittosporum illicioides angustifolium Euonymus wilsonii with a rather more impressive display of yellow flowers. Euonymus wilsonii Euonymus wilsonii Here are the two plants given to us by James Garnett and…

13th June

…with light green rounded leaves on arching stems. Cotoneaster fangianus Cotoneaster fangianus Euonymus wilsonii now in full flower and rather striking for a euonymus. Euonymus wilsonii Euonymus wilsonii The new…

7th June

…is soon being cut down The Aesculus wilsonii clump at the entrance to Old Park are particularly floriferous this year. Aesculus wilsonii Aesculus wilsonii Deutzia pulchra (FIFL 26) just out…

24th May

…(now S. tomentella apparently). Syringa wilsonii (now S. tomentella) Syringa wilsonii (now S. tomentella) I cannot identify this elderly rhododendron which is a fine show tucked away behind Georges Hut….

17th June

…unlike many of the other species this year, is absolutely plastered in flower. Styrax wilsonii Styrax wilsonii 2023 – CHW To the remarkable 60 acre Arboretum at Batsford which is…

22nd April

…erosum Viburnum erosum Euonymus wilsonii hasn’t done much yet. No flowers or new growth. Euonymus wilsonii Euonymus wilsonii Viburnum phlebotrichum also now in flower. Viburnum phlebotrichum Rhododendron ‘Tinner’s Blush’ at…

13th October

…above the Aucklandii Garden. Ilex x altaclerensis ‘Wilsonii’ Ilex x altaclerensis ‘Wilsonii’ Ilex x altaclerensis ‘Wilsonii’ Ilex x altaclerensis ‘Hodginsii’ is a male form and hence the buds and autumn…

22nd September

…same time. None of the other 15 or so new species have any obvious berries as yet but none have died. Cotoneaster wilsonii Cotoneaster wilsonii Aesculus wilsonii laden with conkers…

23rd September

…plant has grown well with some shade in this year’s drought. Styrax wilsonii Styrax wilsonii 2017 – CHW David West from Fromefield Nurseries thought this was Cotoneaster frigidus ‘Inchmery’ when…