9th April

…these on our travels. Prunus ‘Matsumae-Asami’ Prunus ‘Matsumae-Asami’ Rhododendron ‘Queen Wilhelmina’ – colour changes as the flower fades. Rhododendron ‘Queen Wilhelmina’ Rhododendron ‘Queen Wilhelmina’ Rhododendron orbiculare x ‘Richard Gill’ –…

3rd April

…with the stump dug out and just some mess to burn up. mess to burn up Azalea ‘Azuma-kagami’ looking wonderful above the Crinodendron hedge. Azalea ‘Azuma-kagami’ Azalea ‘Azuma-kagami’ A few…

18th July

…Mandevilla ‘Sundavill’ Mandevilla ‘Sundavill’ Mandevilla ‘Sundavill’ Salvia ‘Amistad’ was a good tall growing form with dark flowers. As good as ‘Love and Wishes’ perhaps? Salvia ‘Amistad’ Salvia ‘Amistad’ 2017 –…

22nd September

…few tail end flowers out. Eucryphia lucida x cordifolia Sorbus needhami with fruits even though still in pots. Sorbus needhami Sorbus needhami First fruits on a pot grown Malus toringo….

25th March

…in the back yard before we set out. rare oddments I suddenly spot a really good large Paeony form double red camellia amid the ancient Camellia japonicas outside the back…

14th January

…2018 – CHW Osmanthus heterophyllus ‘Aureomarginatus’ is making a nice show amid the showers. Not a bad ornamental plant for a dark corner. Here it is being enveloped by a…

22nd November

…ends of the tallest shoos. Planted in 2014 and cut to the ground in March 2018 by ‘The Beast’. Aralia vietnamensis Lindera obtusiloba with next year’s buds showing amid the…

10th April

…and Acer palmatum ‘Moonrise’ Acer shirasawanum ‘Jordan’ and Acer palmatum ‘Kamagata’ Acer shirasawanum ‘Jordan’ and Acer palmatum ‘Kamagata’ Acer palmatum ‘Okagami’ and Acer shirasawanum ‘Jordan’ Acer palmatum ‘Okagami’ and Acer…

22nd October

…Euonymus grandiflorus ‘Ruby Wine’ Euonymus grandiflorus ‘Ruby Wine’ Saxifraga fortunei ‘Shiranami’ literally plastered in flower with no leaves showing. What a plant this is for an autumn show. Saxifraga fortunei…

24th September

…has just the odd secondary flower amid the faded remnants of its main display. Hydrangea ‘Ayesha’ This is a hybrid climbing hydrangea which has grown several feet up a dead…