15th July

…website Care Article pictures or Camptotheca acuminata which grows on Burns Bank. Camptotheca acuminata Camptotheca acuminata Camptotheca acuminata Camptotheca acuminata Gorgeous red new growth and obvious winter die back. It…

4th May

…myrsinifolia The heavily scented and very tender Rhododendron ‘Mi Amor’. Rhododendron ‘Mi Amor’ Rhododendron ‘Mi Amor’ Quercus fleuryi, planted in 2015, is just about still alive with some winter cold…

1st December

…Charles during a visit here. Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca’ Tilia cordata ‘Winter Orange’ now finally leafless. Tilia cordata ‘Winter Orange’ Photinia macrophylla (HWJ 5614) which I suspect is wrongly named (microphylla?)…

24th April

…last autumn but only now is it starting to die off. Rainfall has sustained it through the winter. Prunus pilosiuscula In 1991 I planted Sequoia sempervirens and Sequoiadendron giganteum side…

11th December

…more of his hated leylandii in Kennel Close. leylandii leylandii A secondary flowering on Drimys winteri or is it an early spring showing? Drimys winteri Drimys winteri 2018 – CHW…

23rd May

…can laugh any further the judges appear soon after 8 o’clock and pause to look disdainfully at Rhododendron ‘Ruby Hart’ which droops a bit naturally anyway but has clearly gone…

Tregrehan Gardens Visit – 15th March 2019

back to 17th March. The highlights of the visit to Tregrehan on Friday. Seedling from Camellia reticulata ‘Nuccios Ruby’ Edgeworthia chrysantha growing in open woodland Sarcocca wallichii with huge black…

13th January

…being cut down completely. A rare tree which was once a Champion. Lindera communis Camellia japonica ‘Takanini’ glowing red in front of the bare orange twigs of Tilia sordata ‘Winter

18th February

…for Feb 18th) Winter 1977/1978 Winter started mild but wet. Then on Feb 18 came the blizzard in Devon and the start of a month of gales at Caerhays. Feb…

19th February

…is full out in 24 hours. Magnolia ‘Delia Williams’ Magnolia ‘Delia Williams’ Magnolia ‘Delia Williams’ 2023 – CHW Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ now at its best a good month later than…