22nd April

…is Magnolia ‘Golden Goblet’ which will not be winning any prizes! Not one of the yellows that has made the grade. Magnolia ‘Golden Goblet’ Magnolia ‘Golden Goblet’ Still a few…

12th May

…Phipps. Not in Hillier’s either? Crataegus jozana First flower on Magnolia ‘Illini Gold’. Magnolia ‘Illini Gold’ Acer sterculiaceum subsp. sterculiaceum in Kennel Close. The same bronzy hue and more regularly…

19th May

…per day is very close to us. We are on the front cover or rather the viburnum is. Burncoose Nurseries Gold winning stand at Chelsea stand Burncoose Nurseries Gold winning…

6th May

…glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’ Malus toringo ‘Scarlett’ was a good new form. Malus toringo ‘Scarlett’ Malus toringo ‘Scarlett’ Calocedrus decurrens ‘Berrima Gold’ [Not ‘Burma Gold’ – thanks to Wolfgang Keidel for…

12th July

…‘Glanleam Gold’ Luma apiculata ‘Glanleam Gold’ 2019 – CHW Another photography visit to Busy Bee Garden Centre in the usual oppressive heat. Pretty ghastly but the show goes on and…

10th September

…to the Burncoose Garden. Cornus kousa ‘Gold Star’ Cornus kousa ‘Gold Star’ 2017 – CHW Jaimie and his team have been cutting the trash on the islands. They came upon…

16th October

…Celastrus orbiculatus Malus ‘Golden Hornet’ with larger yellow crab apples than seen elsewhere in this diary recently. Malus ‘Golden Hornet’ Another new entry for the 2021 catalogue is Lonicera periclymenum…

24th March

…order businesses are having a bonanza which will no doubt engender a public backlash soon. If we do have to shut down totally we will still have four staff doing…

29th April

…staff numbers.The tiny corner shops have had a bonanza and the supermarkets have tightened their grip on their monopoly of food sales but what of the rest of the food…

7th April

…Kinokana’ (Bamboo) Chusquea couleou nicely pruned to show off its stems properly. Chusquea couleou Chusquea couleou Acer negundo ‘Kellys Gold’ with flower and emerging golden leaves. Acer negundo ‘Kellys Gold’…