19th May

…way to Chelsea where it will hopefully open more fully. Azalea ‘Purple Splendour’ Azalea ‘Purple Splendour’ The Echium pininana on the lawn photographed after the winter gales looked black and…

2nd August

…late May. Rhododendron stamineum Quercus liebmannii with attractive secondary new growth after the rains. Hopefully time for this to harden off before winter. Quercus liebmannii Quercus liebmannii The sun catches…

11th April

…survive in the garden. Azalea ‘Blushing Bride’ Magnolia ‘Purple Globe’ is not, as yet, even faintly ‘globe-like’. Magnolia ‘Purple Globe’ Wisteria flower buds swelling up. Wisteria Magnolia ‘Blushing Belle’ is…

13th June

…Corylopsis ‘Spring Purple’ Corylopsis ‘Spring Purple’ A decent sized Magnolia wilsonii has failed to leaf up and died. I fear caught by the cold in February with the sap rising…

20th April

…‘Darkest Purple’ is a liliiflora hybrid bred in Alabama in 1949 with ‘rich purple’ flowers so I may be wrong. Magnolia ‘Darkest Purple’ x M. ‘Betty Jessel’ The elderly (and…

3rd March

…determined that for registration the colour codes are as follows: In bud – Red Purple Group 70B – Strong Reddish Purple Full out – inside of tepals Red Purple Group…

8th March

…‘Michael’s Purple’ listed with this parentage. From what we saw yesterday I guess ‘Avalon’ as this was a 2017 planting and ‘Michael’s Purple’ is a brand new Lunaplant name (or…

27th February

…this cross. Magnolia ‘Aphrodite’ (M. ‘Black Tulip’ x M. soulangeana ‘Deep Purple Dream’) Magnolia ‘Aphrodite’ (M. ‘Black Tulip’ x M. soulangeana ‘Deep Purple Dream’) Magnolia ‘Vulcan’ x Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’….

22nd April

…form without the dark purple spots or blotches which you see in some others which can also be purple or rose-purple. One for Asia to propagate. Today it looks one…

9th February

…confusa Sarcocca confusa Sarcocca confusa Sarcocca hookeriana ‘Purple Stem’ Sarcocca hookeriana ‘Purple Stem’ Sarcocca hookeriana ‘Purple Stem’ Sarcocca orientalis Sarcocca orientalis Sarcocca orientalis Sarcocca ruscifolia Sarcocca ruscifolia Sarcocca hookeriana digyna…