15th October

…parlatorei Podocarpus lambertii far less vigorous. Podocarpus lambertii Diospyros cathayensis. Diospyros cathayensis Seeds from Magnolia globosa. Magnolia globosa Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’ at its very best. Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’ Helianthus ‘Lemon…

10th March

…x veitchii) – Gresham hybrid Magnolia ‘Manchu Fan’ Magnolia ‘Manchu Fan’ Magnolia ‘Pickards Snow Queen’ (Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Picture’ x unknown) Magnolia ‘Pickards Snow Queen’ Magnolia ‘Pickards Snow Queen’ Magnolia…

25th March

…in the 1970s. Not particularly unique but nice enough. Queen Mother’s magnolia Queen Mother’s magnolia Another towering Magnolia sargentiana var robusta which you get a perfect view of from the…

28th February

…and mum both planted magnolias in the 1960s which they hoped to name one day but in full sun and absurdly poor soil. Dad’s struggled for a bit and then…

25th June

…Serena and John’s in-laws are invited but Johnny’s mum is sadly ill again so they cancel but we do briefly see Sue and Martin, who is also unwell. Nevertheless the…

27th April

…as I have seen it. The best of the three species I think. Halesia carolina Halesia carolina Halesia carolina Halesia carolina Halesia carolina Rhododendron ‘Fragrantissimum’ fronts Rhododendron ‘Damaris’. Rhododendron ‘Fragrantissimum’

22nd December

…sikkimense. Another semi evergreen here. Acer sikkimense Acer sikkimense 2019 – CHW A camellia wreath for Dad & Mum’s grave for Christmas. camellia wreath 2018 – CHW Echium seedlings in…

20th December

…in Hand 2015 – CHW Dave and I take Dad to church for a private family service to dedicate a newly restored window to mum. Hell of a struggle to…

4th December

…x williamsii ‘JC Williams’ hedge outside the front arch is now full out and I cut a bunch for Lizzie to decorate Dad & Mum’s new granite headstone and surround…

12th February

…Sunset’ Trachelospermum asiaticum – pure green Trachelospermum asiaticum Trachelospermum jasminoides – red leaves when overwintered outside Trachelospermum jasminoides – red leaves Trachelospermum jasminoides – green when not Trachelospermum jasminoides –…