4th August

…impressive but this is a 30 year old clump. Hydrangea paniculata ‘Tardiva’ Hydrangea aspera ‘Macrophylla’ flowers in 3 stages. Hydrangea aspera ‘Macrophylla’ Hydrangea aspera ‘Macrophylla’ Hydrangea aspera ‘Macrophylla’ The hydrangeas…

16th July

…on the website Care Article. New growth only and no flowers as yet in July. Smilax aspera Smilax aspera Smilax aspera Echium pininana collapsing and dying. This one has already…

11th September

…fine plant. We must now have 10 or more different forms of H. aspera. No name on this one. Hydrangea aspera Hydrangea aspera A bud nearly out on Magnolia tamaulipana…

2nd September

…by the front gates. Sarcococca saligna Sarcococca saligna Hydrangea aspera ‘Robusta’ just coming out as it always does very late in the Hydrangea season. Hydrangea aspera ‘Robusta’ A year ago…

18th October

…but not yet anywhere near as good as Hydrangea aspera ’Robusta’. Hydrangea aspera kawakamii ‘Formosa’ Hydrangea aspera kawakamii ‘Formosa’ Crataegus laevigata ‘Gireoudii’ laden with fruits on this topgrafted tree which…

12th July

…heat and are ready for a photograph or two. Rubus phoenicolasius Rubus phoenicolasius Honey fungus strikes quickly. This young Hydrangea aspera villosa is near an old felled Prunus insignis and…

26th September

aspera (a gift from Lord Howick in 2018) about to make a good late show. Hydrangea aspera Hydrangea aspera Early autumn colour as usual on Cladastris kentukea. Cladastris kentukea A…

25th September

…a little earlier than usual? Rhus chinensis 2022 – CHW Hydrangea aspera (from Lord Howick) in full flower today. Hydrangea aspera Hydrangea aspera Rather small flowers this year on Gevuina…

20th September

…and readily identifiable leaves. Hydrangea aspera ssp. robusta Hydrangea aspera ssp. robusta The Fuchsia magellanica hedge reshooting only a fortnight or so after being cut back. Fuchsia magellanica A giant…

6th September

…in September. A good mauve and white combination. We need to propagate this as it is a winner! Hydrangea aspera ssp. robusta Hydrangea aspera ssp. robusta Cornus kousa ‘Doubloon’ is…