15th February

…for the Rockery soon. Rhododendron aureum Also in flower inside is Eurya japonica ‘Moutiers’. Compact growing and almost a hedging plant for a flower border. Looks nothing at all like…

24th July

border has run riot. Lots of new things to photograph discreetly as this is not hugely popular with the two male owners and partners. I buy a Melianthus major to…

24th February

border or rockery plant. Ribes laurifolium ‘Amy Doncaster’ Ribes laurifolium ‘Amy Doncaster’ 2016 – CHW We tried to register Magnolia ‘Mr Julian’ (Magnolia sargentiana robusta x Magnolia sprengeri ‘Diva’) last…

17th June

…ought to stock. Here freestanding at the edge of a border and creeping onto the path. You can see why it needs a host plant to climb over. Lupinus chamissonis…

12th January

…‘Rosemary Williams’ Acanthus mollis in full leaf with Daphne bholua ‘Gurkha’ in full flower above it in a border. Acanthus mollis Daphne bholua ‘Jacqueline Postill’ can be smelt at, at…

4th August

…to die. A new book on Viburnums arrives and this prompts me to go and have a look at our more recent plantings. The latest book is by Andre Gayraud…

26th July

…a stupid name. Gaura ‘Freefolk Rosy’ Coreopsis ‘Rum Punch’ – reddish with a hint of orange. A good show again for late July in a border. Coreopsis ‘Rum Punch’ Salvia…

28th February

…with my mother’s Primula ‘Wanda’ (dark purple) which grew in a line on the edge of the border opposite the front door. first coloured primrose These are the Narcissus cyclamineus…

27th July

…flowering habit. It would grow much taller than this in a border. Lobelia excelsa Lobelia excelsa 2017 – CHW First trip to Ventnor Botanic Gardens. Rudbeckia maxima full out and…

17th January

…lapidea 2020 – CHW Daphne bholua ‘Limpsfield’ one year on from planting in a border is full out. Daphne bholua ‘Limpsfield’ Daphne bholua ‘Limpsfield’ Daphne bholua ‘Limpsfield’ Camellia x williamsii…