15th October

…Queen’ An extraordinary sight. Secondary flowers on a red flowered tree peony in October! red flowered tree peony 2022 – CHW Rhododendron quinquefolium ‘Five Arrows’ with good autumn colour. I…

7th October

…has few berries and not yet fully coloured. Cotoneaster rokujodaisanensis Cotoneaster schubertii is well covered in berry and a good orange which will probably get redder yet. Cotoneaster schubertii Cotoneaster…

3rd October

…and distinctive new growth and leaf formation. Once seen easily recognisable again. I fear you are bored with red berried Cotoneasters so I will spare you the rest! Cotoneaster silvestrii…

13th October

…a thriving large shrub and covered in unripe berries. Vaccinium dunalianum var. magaphyllum Vaccinium dunalianum var. magaphyllum Vaccinium dunalianum var. magaphyllum Ilex x altaclerensis ‘Wilsonii’ covered in red berries. A…

10th October

…an excellent reddish show and, I think, earlier than usual. Stewartia monadelpha Quercus frainetto does not have autumn colour with us. Quercus frainetto Neither does Tilia caroliniana subsp. heterophylla. Its…

9th March

Red’ or ‘Red as Red’. Nigel Holman bred this and Treseders Nursery offered this first for sale in 1965 so it predates New Zealand breeding. Magnolia ‘Chyverton Red’ This is…

19th October

…Eyes’ Rhus typhina ‘Tiger Eyes’ Our stock plant of Pseudowintera ‘Red Leopard’ is the best thing in the nursery today as regards autumn colour. Outstanding! Pseudowintera ‘Red Leopard’ Pseudowintera ‘Red

18th October

…in the past as this species. First time flowering on the top wall. Lemon yellow flowers and red stamens. Hedychium gardnerianum Hedychium gardnerianum A new evergreen fern in the frames…

14th October

…winter. Tucked away here in shelter they produce a fine October show. Hoheria populnea ‘Variegata’ Hoheria populnea full out at around 20-25ft in height. Hoheria populnea A splendid second autumn…

26th September

…Berries galore on Pyracantha ‘Saphyr Red’ and ‘Saphyr Orange’ as usual even on small plants in pots. Pyracantha ‘Saphyr Red’ and ‘Saphyr Orange’ Pyracantha ‘Saphyr Red’ and ‘Saphyr Orange’ And…