30th April

…Pride’ out side by side outside the front gate. Rhododendron veitchianum ‘Cubbitti Group’ Rhododendron ‘Michael’s Pride’ at its best. Rhododendron ‘Michael’s Pride’ Rhododendron augustinii – a good dark blue form….

17th March

…first (Spanish) bluebells are just out a bit later than for the last two years I think. bluebells 2019 – CHW For those who want to click here for the…

26th April

…down but otherwise fine which is one of the few wins amongst our most tender plants. Podocarpus elongatus ‘Blue Chip’ Podocarpus elongatus ‘Blue Chip’ Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Hattie Carthan’ is…

22nd July

…– easily the best blue lacecap HYDRANGEA ‘Taube’ HYDRANGEA ‘Taube’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks blue’ – very floriferous and vigorous grower Hydrangea ‘Fireworks blue’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks blue’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks pink’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks…

9th April

…CHW A fine Easter weekend. I saw the first bluebell in flower at Burncoose 3 days ago but it was raining and my camera does not like the rain!This is…

8th April

…with its blue flower cones opening creamy white. Stout densely hairy shoots say Hilliers who also say plants of this name are in fact Abies forrestii var. smithii. Clare bought…

23rd July

…(MF97137) Abies nukiangense with blue cones and stripy undersides of the leaves. Abies nukiangense Abies nukiangense Abies nukiangense This is Tom’s own collection from Yunnan of Meliosma cuneifolia. It too…

25th December

…see. Halesia macgregorii Blue indumentum on the undersides of Magnolia virginiana ‘Havener’ which, when fallen to the ground, have an attractive silvery hue. The tree is fully evergreen and has…

13th October

…medlar Sorbus japonica has its first ever ripe seeds. Only two clusters and I missed the flowers. Nice foliage with silvery undersides. It has made good growth since planting in…

19th January

…Chamaerops humilis ‘Volcano’. I will need to investigate the invoice from 2015 from The Palm Centre. The leaves do have a silvery blue indumentum on the undersides. Clearly this plant…