12th May

…a clump. Azalea ‘Whitethroat’ Azalea ‘Whitethroat’ The few Wilson 50 azaleas by White Stiles / Hovel are starting to make a show. Wilson 50 azaleas Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda is certainly a…

2nd June

…hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’ Only 2 of the 5 different colours in the Azalea indica clump towards the Top Lodge are actually out yet. Azalea indica clump Jaimie has started a…

1st May

Azalea indicum near the top lodge just into flower. Azalea indicum Azalea indicum Wonderful violets in the St Michael Caerhays churchyard where we were for the AGM of the Parochial…

21st May

…Magnolia obovata ‘Pink Flush’ Azalea ‘Corneille’ is making a good clump. Azalea ‘Corneille’ Azalea ‘Corneille’ Azalea ‘Corneille’ Azalea ‘Tower Darling’ is another old Ghent variety. Hugely scented today. Azalea ‘Tower…

18th February

…garden if we can keep the deer and rabbits away from the plants for a bit. Planting Plenty of space for Phase 2 – more yellow magnolias, deciduous azaleas, Matsumae…

13th March

…been for many years. deciduous azalea deciduous azalea The light is wrong to capture Magnolia ‘J C Williams’ which is now just out so we must make do with a…

3rd May

…one of those double flowered azaleas from Christmas 40 plus years ago which survived being planted out. They would not today. Azalea ‘Tebotan’ Azalea ‘Tebotan’ Azalea ‘Babeuff’ outside the back…

28th February

Azalea ‘Amoena’ Azalea ‘Amoena’ Rhododendron kiyosumense (a form of Rhododendron reticulatum) has unusually retained much of its leaf but is now coming out. Not unusual after a non winter like…

10th January

…but here are a couple more. Azalea ‘Kirin’ with its hose in hose flowers. Azalea ‘Kirin’ Azalea ‘Malvatica’ with its occasional pink flash on the bud and petals. Azalea ‘Malvatica’…

4th March

…the path up from the Kennels to give more late spring colour to Old Park. deciduous azaleas deciduous azaleas Bergenia ciliata (?) just coming into flower by the front door….